Politico Reporter Apologizes for ‘Clumsy’ Comments on ‘Christian Nationalists’ After Outcry – IOTW Report

Politico Reporter Apologizes for ‘Clumsy’ Comments on ‘Christian Nationalists’ After Outcry

Politico reporter Heidi Przybyla wrote an article on Thursday apologizing for her comments painting those who believe their rights come from God as “extremists” and “Christian nationalists.”

15 Comments on Politico Reporter Apologizes for ‘Clumsy’ Comments on ‘Christian Nationalists’ After Outcry

  1. Heidi Przybyla – heh, dumb as a Pole – a wooden one, that it, not a human Pole. She’s used to work for USA Today, now Politico. As a journalist, she’s about as useful as a unicorn’s horn.

    I just read her bio. Says she “took birth” on Nov. 18, 1973.

    What is this “took birth”? Probably some woke nonsense. What a BS way of defining the birth of a baby. How could one “take birth”? At the end of life, does a person “take death”??? So much idiocy in the world that pisses me off these days.

  2. I suppose the reasoning for “take birth” is that the mother “gives birth”.

    However, giving and taking are actions. It seems like it avoids the idea that a baby is born with a life that has been developing for several months, life being a noun, a thing, and not an action.

  3. She meant what she said.
    The left does this all the time.
    Say something that is considered ourageous, (even though this one is in the Commie Manifesto) then apologize when people get mad.
    I’ve heard others say something similar but not as boldly.
    Then they get people used to hearing it and they’re off to the races.
    The entertainment industry does the same. Think Madonna. When she first came on the scene everyone was outraged she gave herself a name used by churches for Jesus’ mother. Now no one gets upset.

  4. “Due to some clumsy words, I was interpreted by some people as making arguments that are quite different from what I believe,” Przybyla wrote. “Excerpts of what I said were promoted widely in some political circles by some activists whose primary objection, I feel sure, was not my television appearance but my coverage in POLITICO about the tactics and agenda of political activists who subscribe to a philosophy they call ‘Christian Nationalism.’”

    “Reporters have a responsibility to use words and convey meaning with precision, and I am sorry I fell short of this in my appearance.”

    That’s not an apology. She was misinterpreted (“I was interpreted by some people …”).
    To paraphrase what she said: “Gee, I’m sorry my critics are morons.”

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Her mea culpa isn’t worth a nickel cuz she means every word.
    Disingenuous democRATz at work!
    Just so we can be Politically Correct, here’s the democRAT pronoun list:

    Double-crossing, dishonest, dalliance, dastardly, dazed, debacle, debased, debauchery, decadent, defective, defensive, deficient, defective, deflect, deflower, deformed, defraud, deplorable degenerate, degrade, deign, delete, deleterious, demonic, derelict, delinquent, demagogue, demean, demented, demerit, demolish, demonic, demoralize, denounce, depend, deplete, deplorable, depraved, depressing, deprive, derail, deride, derogatory, descent, desecrate, desert, desensitize, desperate, despicable, despondent, destructive, deteriorate, detest, detract, devalue, devastate, deviate, devoid, devour, diabolic, diatribe, dictate, dickless, dickhead, dickweed, diddle, digress, dilatory, dim, diminish, dimwitted, din du, dingleberry, dire, dirty, disappointment, disapproval, disarray, disaster, disbar, disbelieve, disclaim, disclose, discombobulate, discomfort, discommend, discompose, disconnect, disconsolate, discord, discourage, discourteous, discrepancy, discreditable, disease, dysfunctional, dildo, disgracful, disgruntled, disguise, dishonest, disillusion, disingenuous, disloyal, dismal, dismay, disorderly, disorganized, dispare, dispute, disquiet, disrepair, disrespect, disrepute, disrobe, disrupt, dissatisfactory, disseminate, dissent, disservice, dissident, distain, distasteful, distort, disturbed, disunite, dither, ditzy, divisive, dodge, doleful, DNA donater, dookie, double-dealing, double-crossing, double-faced, double talking, douche, downcast, downfall, downgrade, downhill, dredge, dreg, dreck, dribble, drooler, dumb, dumb-ass, Dullards, damn duplicitous and dumpster-fire.

  6. I just read on Breitbart about another insane journalist, this one writes for the WashPost, who claims it’s conservatives who are responsible for all the smash & grab theft that is going on and shows pictures and describes a CVS store in DC that had been robbed so many times it had mostly empty shelves. It’s now closed down.

    The idiot thieves will now have to go further afield to smash and grab. This by itself may be the ultimate shooting oneself in the foot. Thieves steal so much there is nothing left to steal. It’s stupidity in full bloom.

    She says it’s a late capitalist horror show. Her and that Przobala (unpronounceable) are both stupid white ignorant sluts that have found lucrative work – for the time being – in criticizing America and blaming conservatives for the shit that goes down in the big cities.

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