6 Comments on PolitiFact Says Democrats Don’t Support Free Healthcare for Illegals
Who you gonna believe, Politifact or your lying ears?
Democrats support democrats being in charge. Of everything. End of lesson.
Maybe not all but the vast majority of those seeking higher office sure do.
And for every “free” healthcare recipient, our costs go up. Now multiply that by illegal aliens! YOU WILL PAY FOR THEM! And those with health problems will make their way into our country. Nice strategy, Dems!
Unlike you, we can see two or three steps beyond your theories.
Newsflash: The USA is not responsible for the world.
@meerkat – damn straight! The rest of the world can go to Communist Chinkland for cheap healthcare. Shit, they got a BOGO special on Uighur kidneys right now.
And Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself. The Chinks killed him as a favor to Killary and then they harvested all his organs; Chop-Chop!
Like the Clintons they put their fingers in the air to see which way the political winds are blowing right now. Like the Clintons, they can say ‘YES’ to this morning’s crowd and say ‘No’ in front of the afternoon crowd, knowing full well the MSM will cover for them.
Who you gonna believe, Politifact or your lying ears?
Democrats support democrats being in charge. Of everything. End of lesson.
Maybe not all but the vast majority of those seeking higher office sure do.
And for every “free” healthcare recipient, our costs go up. Now multiply that by illegal aliens! YOU WILL PAY FOR THEM! And those with health problems will make their way into our country. Nice strategy, Dems!
Unlike you, we can see two or three steps beyond your theories.
Newsflash: The USA is not responsible for the world.
@meerkat – damn straight! The rest of the world can go to Communist Chinkland for cheap healthcare. Shit, they got a BOGO special on Uighur kidneys right now.
And Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself. The Chinks killed him as a favor to Killary and then they harvested all his organs; Chop-Chop!
Like the Clintons they put their fingers in the air to see which way the political winds are blowing right now. Like the Clintons, they can say ‘YES’ to this morning’s crowd and say ‘No’ in front of the afternoon crowd, knowing full well the MSM will cover for them.