POLL – IOTW Report


What’s the most onerous condition the judge imposed on Hunter Biden if he wants to remain free?





h/t Howie Carr

34 Comments on POLL

  1. Must tell the truth (relate all facts without “spin,” hesitation, or any other dissembling) – or do the jail time.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. He MUST IMMEDIATELY report ANY pedophilia he witnesses no matter WHO or WHERE, and give the Court ANY child porn and detailed information on ANY child molester or he goes to the hoosegow himself and the other inmates get told he’s protecting a child molester.

    …he wouldn’t make it out of the courtroom ’cause he’d NEVER be able to abide…

  3. …but if we’re talking about the ACTUAL conditions, there’s no WAY hes not doing drugs.

    Dude’s a totally unrepentant addict.

    No one kicks the habit unless they WANT to, AND are willing to put in the WORK.

    He doesn’t and he isn’t.

    …the cameras apparently don’t work in the Whote House and they only let in True Belivers, so whoever’s urine and blood they are analyzing is no more his than Pedo Joe’s Jab actually contained a vaxxxine.

  4. It’s impressive to see the judicial backbone that Judge Maryellen Noreika showed. That no good POS John Roberts must feel like shit eating worm when he reads about her.

  5. He’ll claim that he’s an artist and that’s his full time job. He’ll never give up the booze or drugs. Daddy has always taken care of him and that’s why he’s the way that he is. What Pedo Joe is worried about are the chickens that are coming home to roost.

  6. Rich Taylor, if the Secret Service was smuggling hookers into the White House for JFK, you damn know well that they’re doing it for humper as well. What else is new and disgusting. Same old shit, new democrap president or his son. If humper were my son, I’d publicly disown him all the while praying fervently that he would repent and turn his life around. I wouldn’t want to be joey or humper when God calls them to account, that’s when they’ll both receive true justice for their sins and no amount of bribery etc. will get them out of it ever.

  7. SNS, Since you were a First Responder it’s probably no surprise to you that the “First Son” has access to the purest grade of pharmaceuticals and hasn’t succumbed to Fentanyl poisoning as so many other druggies have across the country thanks to the Chinese Communists .

  8. Get a job.

    If he had a reputable job, he wouldn’t be able to do any of the other things and keep that job.

    Notice I said reputable. That means a NON-WOKE company.

  9. Hunter is 53 years old. He ain’t gonna change. He will always be a worthless, unemployable piece of shit that his old man pimped out to the world to sell of United States assets for his own personal gain. Can you imagine HR in any company having to deal with this dirty asshole?
    That would be a ticket for the NOPE train to Fuckthatville!!

  10. Jennifer AT 1:48 PM

    …dude probably has to stop taking heroin because he’s built up a tolerance, and if you take ANY opioid, legit or not, long enough it loses effectiveness and you have to stop for it to be able to work again because it literally rewires your brain, so what might kill us doesn’t even get him high when it comes to drugs…

  11. I would think there will be plenty of demorat connected people that would give him a pretend 6 figure job much like Chelsea Clinton and Mooch.
    I think most of us can take pleasure in the fact that this didn’t pan out like they thought with a light slap on the
    wrist with locked in future immunity.

  12. Take away all his screens. No internet, AI – no media access he can control. Give him a cloned phone that monitors all his calls by court officials not agencies under his fathers control. Definitely no international calls. Cut off his hooker and dope contacts.

    Even with all the restrictions the evil pervert would find a way to continue a deviant lifestyle with help from his demwit father and evil stepmother.

    Nothing will really stop the unrepentant scumbag until he overdoses and can’t be revived or deep sixed by the Deep State. No longer a menace to society.

  13. If the judge was serious about NO BOOZE, NO COCAINE,NO ILLEGAL FIREARMS,
    HAVING TO GET A JOB, then she would have required daily alcohol test and drug test until the conclusion of the trial.

  14. J.Conner at 1:12 pm

    I vote cocaine/meth, without it he is nothing.

    Even with it, he has no redeeming qualities. He and his father will wish they was never born.

  15. I could see them killing him off, then telling everyone to give the Bidens space to deal with the loss of their son.
    As much as I can’t stand the Bidens, as evil and crooked as they are, we all know it’s others running this bus over the cliff.
    He’s a problem, they deal with the problems.


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