Poll: 69% of Voters Prefer Free Market Capitalism to Socialism, 50% Won’t Vote for Socialist Candidate – IOTW Report

Poll: 69% of Voters Prefer Free Market Capitalism to Socialism, 50% Won’t Vote for Socialist Candidate


The Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports have released a poll that showed American voters are not in favor of socialism or socialist candidates, regardless of party affiliation.

The poll of 1,000 likely voters – 33 percent Republicans, 37 percent Democrats, and 30 percent independents – revealed that when asked which is better “a free-market economic system or socialism,” 69 percent said a free market system, 12 percent picked socialism, and 18 said they were not sure. 

Of the Republicans polled, 87 percent said free-market capitalism was better, and 69 percent of independents agreed. But the poll also found that 53 percent of Democrats said a free-market system was preferable to socialism. read more

8 Comments on Poll: 69% of Voters Prefer Free Market Capitalism to Socialism, 50% Won’t Vote for Socialist Candidate

  1. Andrea ‘CNN Sucks’ Mitchell has Ben Rhodes on complaining that USAID to Lebanon is not going through and that AMERICAS VITAL NATIONAL INTEREST is being harmed by not SENDING FREE AMERICAN TAXPAYER MONEY TO LEBANON TO BUY AMERICAN ARMS.


    Obama sent Cash.
    Hillary and State Agents then sold Crypto PINS FOR Cash.
    What an interesting SCAM.

  2. Isn’t that why Kamala claimed she’s no socialist?
    And you know Liawhatha will claim anything, whatever it takes.

    And when he gets the right poll info, Giggybutt will have to claim he’s not a homo, even though he’s known for his predilection to take penises up his ass.

  3. Everyone who supports Socialism expects to be in the ruling class. No one would support it, if they thought they would be the peons. Everyone is willing to be a benevolent dictator, no one wants to live under the benevolent dictator. This is why none of them are willing to move to existing Socialist Utopias.

  4. Thanksgiving is the perfect time to remind all these chuckleheads about our own experiment with socialism, written about by William Bradford in his diary “Of Plymouth Plantation”, an accounting of the Pilgrims’ early years.

    Most here know of the disastrous foray into socialism. The first few years after that fateful Thanksgiving, they almost all died from starvation, selling their clothes, bedding, and their servitude to the local Indians in exchange for a handful of corn. Bradford identified the problem early on as “communism” the economic system as adopted in their Mayflower Compact of pooling all resources. He wrote of this confusion and resentment of this system, the able-bodied grumbled and retarded their efforts because they were doing 5 times the work of the indolent while getting an equal share.

    After the second year and on the brink of extermination, Bradford changed the system. All families were allotted a plot of land and were told that whatever they grew and produced, they could keep or trade with other colonists, however, they saw fit. The colonists produced many times the amount of food that was needed. Bradford described this sudden change as a huge success and made everyone more industrious, the colonists willingly toiled in the fields, even the women who would bring the little ones to help.

    Of course, Bradford was a religious man and recognized the “Hand of Providence” in their ability to survive.

    None of this is taught in the public schools, what is taught is that the Indians saved the colonists from starvation and the colonists rewarded this effort by infecting them with small pox then stole all their land.


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