POLL: 83% of Voters View Election Integrity as an Important Issue – IOTW Report

POLL: 83% of Voters View Election Integrity as an Important Issue

National File:

A new Rasmussen poll found that election integrity will be a huge issue for voters ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. Over half of respondents believed cheating affected the 2020 election, while a majority of voters in both parties back voter ID.

The latest Rasmussen Reports survey found that 83% of likely U.S. voters believe the issue of election integrity will be important ahead of this year’s elections. Of those respondents, a staggering 63% identified election integrity as a “very important” issue. For Republicans, Rasmussen found that 89% said the issue is “important,” with 62% calling it “very important.” Among Democrats, 78% called it “important,” including 52% who said “very important.”

In the same poll, 75% of Republicans said they believed cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 election. Democrat respondents did not believe cheating affected the outcome of the election, take issue with GOP efforts to tighten election security. High-profile Democrats such as Stacey Abrams have repeatedly referred to Republican election integrity efforts as “voter suppression.” more

12 Comments on POLL: 83% of Voters View Election Integrity as an Important Issue

  1. Typical Dems, since the outcome was favorable to them “not a problem”. Any time the other side wins it is “a constitutional crisis!”. See Trump and Bush wins.

  2. This tells me that the majority of Democrats know damn well that Biden/Harris are not legit. I never would guess that Democrats actually can feel guilt. There may be hope for America after all.

  3. What the heck? 1/6 of the polled don’t think election integrity matters? Yup, that means go out to dinner with 5 others and 1 of them would say they don’t care. Why not? I can make the argument from the right, but I would imagine those on the left would think that “voter suppression” would fall in the same category. Who wouldn’t want election integrity?

  4. So what. You can bitch all you want…it’s not like anybody will actually do anything about it.

    It’s like asking a bad cop to arrest themselves…mug shots just aren’t selfies.

  5. Sounds like the DOJ is going to be pretty busy with 83% of the population being possible terror suspects.
    That number doesn’t include the Covid doubters.

  6. All the “polls” that are reported on seem to say that bidet has a 40% approval rating!? I say that 50% of democrats are LIARS which is probably the case! I would think that Liar Joe is in reality about at 20% approval!
    Obammy got “elected” twice so the level of corruption has been around for a loong time!!

  7. Scrap the machines, vote in person (unless you have requested vote by mail for that election). Have the National Guard protect and supervise all polling places, and have them supervise the hand count!

    Voter photo I.D. required.

  8. Only 83%?
    That’s amazing.
    17% of us don’t give a damn about the validity of our votes?
    (must be either demonrats or illegals)

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  9. 83%.

    Of your “fellow” countrymen. “Think”. That being put on a Party list. To allegedly pick. From a Party list. Of sworn, proven, loyal Party members. Whom the Party has no preference, which sit on a Party throne. For now. (That’s why they’re allowed on the list — “Corn or potato, chips?”). To be allegedly “counted”. By sworn, proven, loyal Party members. To be allegedly “certified”. By sworn, proven, loyal Party members.


    A lot. At all.

    Will change the course of History(TM). Will change the Right Side of History(TM).

    That’s almost 7 out of 8. Of your “fellow” countrymen. Rocket surgeons. All.

    And you call them “fellow” countrymen? One xen, one vote? One for all. And all votes “equal”?

    The extermination of the Deep Thoughts(TM), other, eighth, will be a tragedy? Why?

  10. They only play & do, follow the leader. If he says bend over and touch your toes & scream, they do it. They are then only ones that believe this crap, the only ones!

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