Poll: Fewer than half of all voters say Democratic VP pick Harris is qualified to become president – IOTW Report

Poll: Fewer than half of all voters say Democratic VP pick Harris is qualified to become president

Just The News: Fewer than half of registered voters say presumptive Democratic vice presidential nominee Sen. Kamala Harris is qualified to become president if circumstances should dictate she do so, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

Asked if Harris, a freshman California senator, is “qualified to serve as president of the United States” if “it were to become necessary,” just 47% of poll respondents said yes.

The remaining 53% of respondents said no (32%) or that they were “not sure” (21%).  more here

16 Comments on Poll: Fewer than half of all voters say Democratic VP pick Harris is qualified to become president

  1. So, after the conventions, how about a little legal action to test her lack of qualification? How about it, Republican National Committee? Republican Senators? Mr. President?

    She’s got Hillary Clinton in every cell of her being. I’d love to see her booted from the ticket and humiliated. Nip this one in the bud right now. Plus, Leftists heads would explode and that’s just good election year entertainment.

  2. @Brad, just imagine the freaks the democrat would send to offer their services.

    you’d lose that boner real fast

    joes choice came in last in the primaries. Last. Out of over 20. The Biggest Loser.

  3. It looks like they may have over-sampled Democrats to get to a 47% Yes answer. Frankly I’m surprised that 20% of the Democrats said she wasn’t while 15% of GOP voters said she was. Hell, she sucked her way to to the Senate but the knee jerking off that goes on in there is a far cry from actually running the country and foreign affairs (she likely has a completely different idea of what running foreign affairs entails).

  4. Democrats would concede that she’s not legally qualified AFTER President Biden stepped down. That’s when Speaker Pelosi would get the call. 2 heartbeats away.


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