Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Crashes to 35 Percent – IOTW Report

Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Crashes to 35 Percent

Breitbart: Only 35 percent of respondents approved of President Joe Biden’s job performance, according to the CIVIQS rolling job approval average.

Biden also received record-high (56 percent) disapproval from the poll, with nine percent having no opinion. The poll showed Biden with net approval of negative 20. This comes as Biden has been in office just less than a year and has dealt with a host of problems so far: a supply chain crisis, record-high inflation, and botched Afghanistan withdrawal.

Biden had the lowest job approval among the 18- to 34-year-old age group, as 27 percent and 58 percent disapprove. The 65-plus-year-olds gave Biden the highest approval at only 41 and 54 percent disapproval.

The president was underwater with women and men. Men only showed 31 percent approval with 62 percent disapproving, while women only showed 39 percent approval and 50 percent disapproval. more

Economist Poll: Joe Biden Hits Record Lowest Net Disapproval Rating Among Independents

23 Comments on Poll: Joe Biden’s Job Approval Crashes to 35 Percent

  1. You’re right that they are fictional… the truth is much worse. Approval is probably below Zero, and definitely below President Zero.

    And without being President Zero’s impeachment insurance, FJB would not be where he is today.

  2. I will bet Bush’s adominion wqs not prt of th poll! Had the

    “Bush Republicans” been poled it would be at least 50%..!

    You can bet the Press will ignore this clearly biased poll.

  3. “This comes as Biden has been in office just less than a year and has caused a host of problems so far: a supply chain crisis, record-high inflation, and botched Afghanistan withdrawal.”

    There. Fixed it.

  4. Anyone – ANYONE – who approves of the Usurping Pedophile Joey Biden’s job on anything is either a fucking imbecile or a liar.

    Even the fools who would rather eat a bucket of monkey shit than vote for Trump know that the Usurping Pedophile Joey Biden is a waste of air.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  5. Brown Eyed Girl – you beat me to it. I was reading the article and saw that his administration had dealt with the problems and the first thought I had was that he caused them.
    I am just glad that the problems weren’t slow burns that didn’t show up until after he is gone so the next real president wouldn’t be blamed for them. Who am I kidding, if the problems are still around after the next election, and I will bet they will be, the electee will be blamed


  6. Wouldn’t you just love to be a Fly on Hillary’s wall when she’s on a drunken rampage about how This Turnip was more acceptable to The Vote Fixers than Her?

    So humiliating, and that makes me happy.


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