Poll: Kamala Harris Plummets to 1% with Black Democrats After Tulsi Gabbard Takedown – IOTW Report

Poll: Kamala Harris Plummets to 1% with Black Democrats After Tulsi Gabbard Takedown

[…] The latest Quinnipiac Poll reveals that Harris has dropped to just one percent of support among black Democrats — one of the party’s most vital voting bloc coalitions. more

15 Comments on Poll: Kamala Harris Plummets to 1% with Black Democrats After Tulsi Gabbard Takedown

  1. Well, she was a top-tier candidate (according to her) until Tulsi Gabbard ate her lunch, on stage, in front of everyone, using Kamala’s utensils, and then wiped her mouth with Kamala’s sleeve.

  2. Not a very solid base she has{had} they evaporated instantly when she received the first volley of ridicule.
    They all have support for the same reason, the hatred of Trump and that means they are all interchangeable.

  3. The black electorate needs to be made aware of what the state of calipornya is doing with the records of harris’ time as DA and AG. They have been removing the historical record of her prosecutions and sentencings from public access. There is a reason for that, and it isn’t for government efficiency. This should be pointed out and the question asked- ‘Why would they do something like that?’
    > a real world opportunity of watching a pig get into a poke
    and she is an anchor baby anyway = not eligible
    plus, she is a vindictive bitch


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