Poll: Majority of Americans hate socialism, don’t much like Ocasio-Cortez – IOTW Report

Poll: Majority of Americans hate socialism, don’t much like Ocasio-Cortez

“Only a sliver of likely voters think that the United States should abandon free-market capitalistic policies,” said analysts for the pro-market Heartland Institute.

Just The News-

Twitterers may love Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, but a majority of Americans don’t much care for her or the socialist ideas she’s selling.

Nearly 60% of Americans said they didn’t like the New York Democrat, and 75% reject the socialism she preaches, according to a Heartland Institute/Rasmussen poll.

“When asked, ‘Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable, somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez?,’ only 18% said ‘very favorable,’ while 19% said ‘somewhat favorable,'” analysts for the pro-market Heartland Institute reported. “On the other hand, 38% of likely voters said they have a ‘very unfavorable’ impression of AOC, and 20% said they have a ‘somewhat unfavorable’ impression of her. About 15% said they are not sure.” more

10 Comments on Poll: Majority of Americans hate socialism, don’t much like Ocasio-Cortez

  1. The way our government works now days, it dosent really matter what the majority of the people they are suppose to represent. they are our betters and their job is to protect their seat at the table and take whateverposition it takes to keep the money comming in,

  2. she gets reelected because her district is filled with young progressives, foreigners, and the ignorant. free-market capitalism is how America became wealthy and powerful and provided good livable wages for a middle class who if they tried could own homes, enjoy recreation and hobbies and live social or private lives, retire and live comfortably till like all men die. some people want free stuff which is not free but they don’t care as long as they don’t have to work for it.

  3. Yes, so what? She gets elected and is an influencer. I am old, so “influencer” is not something that I do not accept, but I do understand because my classes include high school and community college students.

  4. AOC – really? someone who doesn’t even know what a garbage disposal is? It is New York, and they have elected De Blasio. We need to move the needle. Convince people that they are electing idiots and tin-pot dictators


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