Poll: Majority of Michigan Voters Reject Eliminating Private Insurance to Advance Medicare for All – IOTW Report

Poll: Majority of Michigan Voters Reject Eliminating Private Insurance to Advance Medicare for All


Most Michigan voters reject eliminating private insurance in order to advance “Medicare for All,” according to a July survey conducted by the Glengariff Group Inc. released this week.

The Detroit Regional Chamber commissioned the survey, which polled 600 likely Michigan voters between July 17-20. While “strong” Democrats support the idea, the majority of general election voters oppose it– 52 percent to 37 percent. Detroit Regional Chamber CEO and President Sandy Baruah said she hoped the poll would show both parties, including Democrat 2020 candidates, that they need to appeal to centrists.

“Elections are still won in the middle,” Baruah said, according to the Detroit News. “That would be my only advice.” more here

6 Comments on Poll: Majority of Michigan Voters Reject Eliminating Private Insurance to Advance Medicare for All

  1. It will be just like an eye appointment I had with a health group. My appointment was for 3:15, so I arrived 15 minutes early. The waiting riim was crowded. probably 50 to 75 people ahead of me, I waited to 3:30, nobody moved. So I got up and left. That iis what “Medicare for all” will produce, only worse!


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