POLL: Obama Worst Modern-Day President – IOTW Report

POLL: Obama Worst Modern-Day President

“Would Mitt have been a better fit?” Malloy asked. “More voters in hindsight say yes.”

Report here

Mr. Pinko says, “We tried to tell ya! Took 6 years to find out?”

24 Comments on POLL: Obama Worst Modern-Day President

  1. The Worst President and his actions are threatening to scuttle the entire Liberal Agenda.

    If the Created Chaos in Healthcare and the orchestrated Immigrant Invasion don’t work, look for him to be a martyr to the cause.

  2. Without a doubt the worse President America has ever had…bar none! I thought Carter was bad but he was minor league compared to this man. He’s trying to destroy everything America stands for and the whole world is laughing and thinking “America is finally getting what they deserved”. They forgot that if it wasn’t for us the world would be speaking wither German or Japanese and people would be killed for no reason at all.

  3. In a nutshell, From the Comments:

    “Obama was programmed from his childhood to hate the United States.
    His father was a Marxist and his main mentor Frank Marshall Davis was a Marxist.
    He was immersed in America hating racism and Marxism at college.
    His pastor of 20 years was an America hating Marxist and racist.
    His election to the Presidency was the biggest fraud in US history.
    His policies are DESIGNED to weaken our country and yet thanks to the media and our sick cultural most people still don’t understand this trojan horse who is now running our country into the ground.”
    – John

  4. Worse than all the previous ‘worst’ ones because this cork smokin commie is close to fundamentally transforming America into the totaliarian hell hole the others dreamed of.

  5. O’Hole’s Ministry of Sensible News Balanced Carefully, MSNBC, declared that this poll is just too soon in coming out. In other words, who do the pollsters think they are? They declared all presidents leave DC wanting to be Truman. Moonbats barking together…geeesh.

  6. Also just from the comment section. Here’s the ignorance that voted him in and still thinks he’s the best:

    ceem 2 minutes ago
    “…Its interesting that no one acknowledges the fact that Congress(Republican-lead)has been dead set against Obama since DAY 1. The REAL reason as to the failures in Obama’s policies is because they would hit the Republican-lead Congress where it would hurt. In their wallets. Also, during this entire time, the GOP’s goal was for one purpose, to get rid of Obama, not help the American people get and keep jobs or improve healthcare so that it is accessible and affordable to everyone. With that said, lets take a look at what was to be the GOP’s plan; expand the military and eliminate every social program in the process for this expansion, raise taxes on everyone else, except the wealthy. Lets not forget that during this administration, there was a number of Republicans who “plead poverty”, eventhough they were making more money than the President. In case that no one knows, the President reports to Congress and yet the President is the blame for the #$%$ condition of the country? Look at the President’s policies and look at Congress’ agenda and come to your own conclusion. That’s all I have to say…”

    My conclusion? You’re an idiot. You don’t even have half your facts correct.

  7. That’s all we need — another frickin’ martyr! Aren’t all these liberal victims ‘martyrs’?

    Every damn one of them is a martyr, supposedly victimized by somebody — whether by greedy corporations, racist white men, the entire male gender, or go for the big kit and caboodle, i.e. Western Civilization!
    I am sick and tired of the victimology mind-set.

  8. Never forget, we have the establishment Republicans to thank for the the petulant little punk getting elected in the first place and even more so for his being reelected to a second term.

  9. @Anonymous, that’s a great idea!

    There’s a LOT of material there.
    BFH could do some great graphic treatments.
    e.g. captions:
    “Sure I was a screw-up, but at least I didn’t ____ (fill in the blank).”
    – have the IRS persecute people for their politics
    – have the NSA spy on citizens for no reason
    – destroy health care and people’s access to it
    – piss off our remaining allies
    – embolden our enemies
    – let my Wookie wife spend millions on holidays
    – delegate virtually every aspect of my ‘job’

  10. @Norman – spot on. ceem fails to mention that the Ds had the congress for 2 years with no opposition/enough votes to stop the nightmare of KommieCare or anything else Reggie’s bitch and the congress wanted to do to us.

  11. well now, me and my scientific experts have got about to thinking that if we rejigger our Tesla Execution Demonstration Machine with a array of panels such that very few people can see the demonstration – why, then, we’ll just substitute the elderly and/or infirmed with the dogs…


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