Poll: Only 33% of people view Hillary Clinton favorably – IOTW Report

Poll: Only 33% of people view Hillary Clinton favorably

hillary poll down

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12 Comments on Poll: Only 33% of people view Hillary Clinton favorably

  1. here are the passengers of the 2016 mini cooper dnc clown car

    clinton – imploding and vacuous, should be prosecuted

    biden – laughable buffoon

    sanders – unthinkable old loon

  2. The Democrats don’t care about the 33% of the people. What matters most is 100% of the dead, the illegal invaders, the courts, the voting station monitors and the rigged electronic voting machines.

    That’s what will fuel BIllary to the top.

  3. 33% view her favorably because, for a libstain, NOT viewing her favorably means something bad. Very bad.

    It doesn’t mean that you have Clinton fatigue.

    It doesn’t mean that you don’t think she’s fit to be president.

    It doesn’t mean that she has failed to produce any significant, positive accomplishment during her decades-long political career.

    It doesn’t even mean that you recognize a felon when you see one.

    It means that YOU are a sexist pig whose backward beliefs won’t permit a woman to be president. Because if THIS woman can’t be president, NO woman can.

    “But what about Carly Fio—”


  4. And Madame Ex-Secretary is smoking it too. Last night on the radio, I actually heard this deranged lunatic say that she believes she can win the presidency.

    With numbers like that?


  5. We are in for a treat.
    Voter Fraud on an Industrial scale,
    Psi-Ops that DARPA will envy,
    The transmogrification of the unpalatable into Liberal Manna from Heaven
    The Beatification of the Hideous
    Deification of the Infernal
    Bamboozling of the ignorant and self-satisfied
    And a splendid view to the self destruction of the Power-Mad harridan whose desperate grasp for Rule will be the textbook reference for Megalomaniac Folly for the next three hundred years

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