Poll Says Media’s All-Out Assault on Trump Only Hurts Trust in Journalists – IOTW Report

Poll Says Media’s All-Out Assault on Trump Only Hurts Trust in Journalists

  • 50 percent have lost trust in the media
  • 69 percent do not believe the media are fact-driven
  • 59 percent say the media have an agenda is to delegitimize Trump
  • 53 percent believe the media prematurely smeared Trump as a Russian spy

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15 Comments on Poll Says Media’s All-Out Assault on Trump Only Hurts Trust in Journalists

  1. It’s apparent to everyone who doesn’t have the brain eating disease. The media is grasping at straws. It won’t be long before they fade away. I’ve often wondered why they don’t go on a “truth campaign.” Where they just say, screw the ratings, we’re going to just report the facts. The only reason I can think they don’t do this, they know the jig is up. Lights out, they’re running this bitch into the ground!

  2. they’re not done yet. The media will stir up the septic tank stew and serve the dimwits another bowl full of steaming hot excrement and they’ll love it and ask for seconds.

  3. The Seattle stations are playing-up Trump’s pending border wall declaration as “unconstitutional” with Washington State being prepared to sue to stop it.

    I’m beginning to think that our country has less time than any of us suspect.

  4. Duh. I worked for 12 years at a well known news bureau in DC… and let me tell you (as if you didn’t already know)every ONE of them was told WHAT to say, and generally HOW to say it by the bosses in DC, and NY. That’s not journalism… that’s propaganda.

  5. The establishment media doesn’t care what Americans think about failed journalism turning to propaganda……they have an agenda to follow. As long as socialist big money interests control the media the propaganda will be delivered day after day.

  6. Journalists
    In a few cases, credited students.
    On the internet, MSM , self-deluded mentally ill hacks.
    ‘every ONE of them was told WHAT to say, and generally HOW to say it by the bosses in DC, and NY. That’s not journalism… that’s propaganda.’
    Propaganda, paid for bullshit,,
    Keep sucking it Chuck Todd, you worthless POS

  7. Can the students of journalism at Columbia University in New York City, or any graduates of that school for the past 40 years find out, just out of curiosity, if Barack Obama or Barry Soeroto (Sp) ever attended? Just askin’.


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