Poll: Seven out of 10 voters think U.S. news media will be friendlier to Biden than it was to Trump – IOTW Report

Poll: Seven out of 10 voters think U.S. news media will be friendlier to Biden than it was to Trump


Astrong majority of American voters think the U.S. media will be friendlier to President Biden then it was to President Trump, according to a new Just the News Daily Poll with Scott Rasmussen.

Seventy-one percent of respondents said “the national news media will be friendlier to President Biden than it was to President Trump.”

Just 14% disagreed, while a slightly larger number – 15% – was unsure.  more

16 Comments on Poll: Seven out of 10 voters think U.S. news media will be friendlier to Biden than it was to Trump

  1. This tells you EVERYTHING!
    30% must be so ignorant and have their heads so far up their rectum, a colonoscopy would be needed to study their tonsils.
    How in the world it isn’t 100%?
    Things like this make me drink even more than I already do.

    Perhaps the meek shall indeed inherit the earth…30% at a time…sigh

  2. The one consolation the public has, and it only applies to the morbidly inclined, is to watch the accelerating physical decomposition of Biden on live television daily.
    The odors and off gassing must be overpowering.
    {I try to find little rays of sunshine where I can}.


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