Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Believe ‘Deep State’ Manipulates National Policy – IOTW Report

Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Believe ‘Deep State’ Manipulates National Policy

DAILY CALLER: A Monmouth Poll released on Monday shows a majority of Americans believe the so-called “deep state,” a group of unelected officials opposed to President Trump’s agenda, is secretly working behind the scenes to manipulate national policy.

Almost three-quarters, or 74 percent, of the 803 adults polled believe the “deep state” either definitely or probably exists (27 percent answered “definitely” while 47 percent responded “probably”). Only 21 percent said the group either probably or definitely does not exist.

The political affiliations most likely to “definitely” believe in the “deep state’s” existence were Republicans, at 31 percent, and independents, at 33 percent, compared to only 19 percent of Democrats.

Additionally, six out of ten believe that appointed and unelected government officials wield too much influence over national policy.

According to Dictionary.com, “The Deep State is believed to be a clandestine network entrenched inside the government, bureaucracy, intelligence agencies, and other governmental entities. The Deep State supposedly controls state policy behind the scenes, while the democratically-elected process and elected officials are merely figureheads.”

Of late, the term has been used to refer to career government officials, embedded “deep” within governmental and intelligence agencies, secretly working to undermine President Trump’s agenda. read more

13 Comments on Poll Shows Majority Of Americans Believe ‘Deep State’ Manipulates National Policy

  1. The Jason Bourne films’ success is a good indicator of the public realization. It’s much higher than 74%.
    It helps that Clapper, Brennan and the rest all go out of their way to look like Bond Villains.
    Shaved heads, ferocious rabid-dog scowls. All they need are a Blofeld persian cat and a Mao jacket.

  2. The breathtaking truth of the existence of the Deep State is the very message of McCabe’s threat. “I will take everyone down (with me).”

    Take who down? And why do they need to be taken down (with him)?

    Obviously, anyone who was part of what he was part of, and everyone who did the same or similar things he did.

    His threat would be as corny as “I’ll see you in court!” if this were not the case.

  3. “The Rats ran away, from the bright light of day, but were sent anyway,
    to Survive in that dang Gitmo Jail…
    When Donald Trump drained swamp, the swamp.
    When Donald Trump drained the swamp.
    The King Rat Obama, and Jarret his Momma, asked how they were gonna
    Survive in that dang Gitmo Jail…
    When Donald Trump drained swamp, the swamp.
    When Donald Trump drained the swamp.”

    He drained the Swamp, by the Trump-Tones
    MAGA Records, 2099

  4. @Abigail. LOL! If there is a deep state attempt at a coup, then this confirms it. One dirty rat pointing at the hole he slunk out of. “They’re in there!!”

    but now the democrat party is paying him to remain silent by offering him a “job”.

    I pray he squeals like a pig

    Gods got a plan and satans pawns cant derail it.

  5. Civil service hiring rules were supposed to prevent politicians from stocking the bureaucracy with partisans. The actual result has been to create a cozy situation for (D)irtbags who exploit the situation and cover for each other.

    If a new president could replace anyone in the bureaucracy, the GOP would at least get a share of the patronage advantage, AND the way to job security at each change of administration would be competence and strictly non-partisan behavior. The (D)irtbags would replace as many as they could with – but they’d have to answer for a lot of dirtbag behaviors by their hires, and the new hires would tend to be less proficient, less networked scum than our current system of lifer hacks. And when the (R)s took over again, the offices would be filled with new people eagerly seeking evidence.

    Also, the (D)irtbag bureaucrats might be less eager to trash the private sector, if there was a risk they’d spend the next few years in it. And maybe the news media would be less partisan if they risked a few years of getting info from (R) appointees (like during the Ohole years, when hostile newsies could only get info by FOI and lawsuits.)

    As it is now, almost everything the govt does has been turned into a feed trough for the (D)irtbag bureaucrats and their private sector and NGO cronies. That’s a lot of patronage, a fraction of it would result in a lot more highly motivated GOP supporters.

  6. The political affiliations most likely to “definitely” believe in the “deep state’s” existence were Republicans, at 31 percent, and independents, at 33 percent, compared to only 19 percent of Democrats.

    “The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they’re ignorant: It’s just that they know so much that isn’t so.”
    – Ronald Reagan

  7. Joe

    You need to look past the headlines! the 2 guys trying to remove Don are BOTH GOPe. THEY WERE BOTH ELEVATED BY A GOP PRESIDENT – GWB. PATRONAGE WORKED (MAYBE) 40 YEARS AGO WHEN WE HAD 2 PARTIES! SINCE 1889 WE (America) HAVE HAD A UNIPARTY!



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