POLL: Teachers overwhelmingly oppose Obama’s race-based school discipline policies – IOTW Report

POLL: Teachers overwhelmingly oppose Obama’s race-based school discipline policies

race based school policies


“I was terrified and bullied by a fourth-grade student,” a teacher in a Los Angeles Unified School District school recently noted on the Los Angeles Times website, according to the New York Post. “The black student told me to ‘Back off, b—h.’ I told him to go to the office and he said, ‘No, b—h, and no one can make me.’ ”

“We now have a ‘restorative justice’ counselor, but we still have the same problems. Kids aren’t even suspended for fights or drugs,” another teacher wrote.


10 Comments on POLL: Teachers overwhelmingly oppose Obama’s race-based school discipline policies

  1. Great. I just picked up the local paper (Peoples’ Republic of Santa Monica) and they have hired a guy at $100,000 a year to deal with ‘racial inequity’ in the public schools. Don’t they understand that his job is now to maintain ‘inequity’ so he can keep his job?

  2. Rotten Core is part of the plan to destroy America. It’s designed to screw-up the way people think. It impairs people’s ability to make decisions. No wonder people can’t figure out what race they are, where to stick it, etc.

  3. “Do you support or oppose school district polices that prevent schools from expelling or suspending black and Hispanic students at higher rates than other students?”

    That sounds kind of loaded to me–or maybe “loaded” isn’t the right word, but if I didn’t know better I could see where some black parents would think, “Of course I support these policies? Why would I want black students getting suspended a lot?”

    It’s not a comment about how black people think, it’s a statement that points to the way survey questions manipulate answers. There are people in every demographic who would be influenced by the leading nature of that question.

    Every other demographic had a majority oppose, so it could be argued it’s not leading, BUT those who support it IMO are not necessarily the thinkers of society. How can anyone not notice this policy puts a stressful and even dangerous burden on teachers who are trying to teach in classrooms that sometimes have belligerent student in them, students no one will do anything about?

  4. Lisl – I had the same thought. The question implies that there is a policy to expel or suspend more Blacks and Hispanics. The correct question is, “Do you think that ethnicities whose members commit more offenses than others should be excused from consequences to make expulsion and suspension statistics equal?”

  5. Exactly!! In reality, if administrators want to see lower suspension rates for minority students, then they need to start making those with bad behavior responsible for their actions. THAT will lower suspension rates.

  6. We have been overrun by Somalians in southern Maine.
    Catholic Charities brought thousands here and put them on welfare. That was before Gov. LePage managed to reform welfare to require citizenship in order to get welfare.
    This stuff has been going on for years.

    We have a friend who is a teacher in the Portland, ME school department.

    I don’t know how many of you remember the controversy in Portland schools when a nurse, (liberal) proposed giving birth control to girls as young as 11 without parental permission.
    He told us they were informed that was really aimed at the Somalian girls. They get pregnant by the time they’re 13 in Somalia and have not changed their habits or culture. The school department didn’t want to appear racist so they proposed a blanket policy to include all girls 11 and up.

    Our friend caught a Somalian boy in the act of stealing 6 basketballs from the school. He brought the kid to the office.
    The boy was told to go home and our friend was kept in the office and ripped a new one for daring to discipline the Somalian kid.

    He said they get away with everything they want.
    The teachers don’t even try most of the time now because they’re the ones who get disciplined instead of the trouble makers.

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