Poll: The Shy Trump Vote Is Bigger This Year…And Who Falls into This Category Should Terrify Democrats – IOTW Report

Poll: The Shy Trump Vote Is Bigger This Year…And Who Falls into This Category Should Terrify Democrats

TownHall: I’ll say it again, folks. The polling is screwed. It’s skewed. It’s a mess. Either we’re right to be highly skeptical and Trump wins an Electoral College landslide, or the pollsters are right and we’re heading for Armageddon come Election Day. Still, the oversampling of Democrats, college-educated voters, and suburban Republicans hostile to Trump should bring a ton of scrutiny. The reluctance from some of these clown firms to switch to likely voter samples is also suspect. We’re not going to have a 2008 or 2012 electorate. For starters, a new Hill-Harris poll noted that young Americans are not excited about this election at all. They’re not planning on voting. Gallup is reporting the youth interest in voting this cycle has hit its lowest levels since 2000. That’s in keeping with the results from Democracy Institute’s Patrick Basham, whose polling data, which has been mentioned in The Washington Times and Forbes, suggests there will be one million fewer young people voting this cycle. read more

22 Comments on Poll: The Shy Trump Vote Is Bigger This Year…And Who Falls into This Category Should Terrify Democrats

  1. The polls represent the probable (and intended) fraud.

    This will be the most fraudulent election in our history and the polls are paving the way for credulity – they are attempting to impress the voting public with a fore-drawn conclusion.

    Nothing happens in a vacuum.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. I haven’t heard about any Trump voters walking away to vote for Biden, but the opposite has been witnessed all across the country. Plus the crazy single white females that voted with their vagina for Hillary aren’t breaking down the doors at polling places to vote for Biden. Nor are blacks going to turn out for Biden like they did for Obama. Plus, we didn’t have millions of unsolicited democrat ballots circling dumpsters, thanks to USPS incompetence, in previous elections. Plus plus, several “never Trumpers” have changed their tune and will happily vote for Trump over Biden.

    Yet we’re supposed to believe Biden is leading Trump by twice that of what Hillary did at this point in the race? The ONLY way Biden pulls this off with a victory or any “too close to call” scenario would be directly linked to outright fraud!

  3. I look at it this way; how many people who voted for Trump in 2016 plan on not voting for him this time? I’d say very, very few. So, when you consider hes picking up huge numbers of black and hispanic votes, I’m more and more confident that he will win. My only concern is the democrat cheat-machine, and thats formidable.

  4. Donald Trump, a political unknown with only his promises of “what have you got to lose” and “you’d be in jail”, handily beat a more popular candidate than Slow Joe Biden in 2016. Now, with 4 years of promises kept, we are expected to believe he is going to be beaten by a dementia patient?
    Organic rallies are popping up all over the country.
    All the lies about him are being exposed.
    C’mon man….

  5. If the polls are wrong again this time I doubt anyone will ever believe in them again and they will continue to have any more public significance in the future than the astrologers with their horoscopes do now.

  6. IF you have enough money, polls will prove whatever you want to prove. By selecting the group or groups they want to include or exclude by any number of criteria. Beware of polls! There is a lot of information that is relevant but not disclosed.

  7. “Check’s in the mail.”
    “I won’t ___ in your mouth.”
    “This is REALLY the truth.”
    “I’m tellin ya – that fish had to weigh 40 pounds.”

    Statistics don’t lie: but liars do Statistics.
    All polls should publish footnotes (course, many people wouldn’t read them).

    izlamo delenda est …

  8. And my bet is that the college campus voting precincts are going to see a tremendous fall in turnout numbers that is going to harm Biteme and Kamaltoes–the little snowflakes don’t know how to get absentee ballots or have enough sense to go and register to vote from their home addresses. Don’t you just love it!?

  9. @ Jethro
    *IF* Trump is beaten, it won’t be by dementia Joe.
    It will be by fake news, phoney polls, rigged debates, RINOs, commies and massive vote fraud.

    TRUMP 2020!

  10. The pollsters fish for nevertrump suburban republicans and keep them in their poll results, while dumping pro-Trump republicans. They fish for rural or working class dems who are voting for Trump and keep them out of poll results, and they keep fishing until they find enough Biden democrats for their polls. Then they say their samples accurately reflect the percentages of Dem and GOP voters in the weighting.

    They know where to look to get the illusion of accurate sampling they want to present to people who do the deep-diving into the poll sample breakdown. The only lessons pollsters learn from previous elections is how to fake their polls more convincingly in the next election.

  11. “Trump wins an Electoral College landslide”

    Not much more can be said other than it’s going to be more like an avalanche, the worse in election history for the Democrats. That’s my prediction based on what I see in enthusiasm for our President. Democrats here are livid and nasty. More of us than them in my county.

  12. The polls are setting us up for the coming contested election. Our best bet is to take the house and retain the senate while re electing the president. The communists won’t be able to use legal political means to contest the election and will resort to mob violence as they so often do.

  13. This polling Kabuki theatre the Demwits have set up to create fraudulent election results is exactly why the electoral college is vital.
    Without the electoral college Crazy Uncle Joe would “win” by a popular vote which the Democrats create despite the truth.
    There’s a Trump underground railroad lots of scared Democrats and even dense RINOs are going to board on Nov 3rd. President Trump will have an overwhelming victory and successful second term – in the end the cheating by the left is so obviously chaotic, it will fail.

  14. I sure didn’t see no 30,000+ car rally put on by Latinos for Biden this Saturday! Even the Amish are holding parades for Trump. If you’ve got a boat, RV, automobile, golf cart, or roller skates, you’ve statistically been in a Trump cavalcade this summer.


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