Poll: “Top Tier” Kamala Fails to Be On Top in Home State of California – IOTW Report

Poll: “Top Tier” Kamala Fails to Be On Top in Home State of California

I await the Willie Brown jokes in the comments.

Breitbart: Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) is struggling to crack into the top tier of candidates in her home state of California, the latest SurveyUSA poll shows.

The poll, taken November 20-22 among 558 likely Democratic Primary voters, found former Vice President Joe Biden (D) dominating in the Golden State with 28 percent support. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), who has been experiencing a surge nationally and in New Hampshire particularly, came in second place with 18 percent support. Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) followed with 13 percent support.

Once again, Harris failed to crack into the top tier of candidates in her home state, virtually tying with Mayor Pete Buttigieg (D) for fourth place with 10 percent and eight percent, respectively. The +/- 4.8 percent margin of error puts the two at a statistical tie.

Andrew Yang trailed with five percent support, followed by Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), Michael Bloomberg (D), and Tom Steyer (D) – all of whom saw three percent support. The remaining candidates garnered two percent support or less. read more

17 Comments on Poll: “Top Tier” Kamala Fails to Be On Top in Home State of California

  1. Senator Kamala- that’s as high as you can climb the political latter on your back. Oh, the day may come when you are appointed Sec of State but don’t count on it until after 2024. In fact I would bet that door will be closed until at least 2028.

  2. I’m predicting that Kalamity Harris will blame her drop in the polls in California on her conservative values. She’s too moderate, too fiscally thoughtful for her home Province of Ontario, much less San Franshithole.

  3. “I await the Willie Brown jokes in the comments”

    As soon as I saw the headline before I read what you typed up there MJA I had one immediately pop into my head! Try not to laugh…

    Well she sure likes being on top of that Brown Willie!

  4. @Marco; Where are you getting her “home Province of Ontario” from? She was born in Oakland in Alameda County, USA. Don’t blame us for this slut we have our own problems.

  5. scr_north: Kalamity moved to Toronto with her Indian mother when she abandoned the Once Golden State and her Jamaican husband. She’s one of your country’s multicultural success stories, because she returned to the country of her birth to become an American slut.


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