Poll: Voters Trust Trump Administration More Than Media – IOTW Report

Poll: Voters Trust Trump Administration More Than Media


A poll conducted by Emerson College shows voters see the Trump administration as more truthful than media.

A majority of registered voters, 53 percent, said the media are untruthful, while 39 percent said they were untruthful.

When it came to the Trump administration, 49 percent said they were truthful, while 48 percent said they were untruthful.

“The partisan split on this topic is clear,” said Professor Spencer Kimball in a press release on Tuesday:

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9 Comments on Poll: Voters Trust Trump Administration More Than Media

  1. Wait until President Trump’s policies start getting results. Then his credibility will rise further, and if the Media continues to play foil, they will likely become targets of attacks by the public.

  2. People, as a group are very stupid.

    Surveys mean nothing to me because of the demographics.

    You want a survey, take one of people who earn between 50 and 75 thousand dollars per year, to see what they think of Obama Care.

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