Poll: Women Don’t Like Hillary – IOTW Report

Poll: Women Don’t Like Hillary

Despite women being a core audience for the Democrats, just 48% of women said they viewed Clinton favorably compared to 51% of women that viewed her unfavorably. – More

hillary c

5 Comments on Poll: Women Don’t Like Hillary

  1. Gee Wally, I guess that just about rules out everybody except One-eyed, Hunchback, plaid flannel Lumberjack Shirt-wearing, Nipple-Ringed, Cross-Dressing Dykes, Transgenders and a couple Dwarves. Talk about a narrowly focused campaign!

  2. Why would a woman like someone just because she has the same (I think) body parts? What makes me like another person is their character. Hillary has none of the character that a person I would like or admire has.

  3. You see their ( dem ) pattern going on; the “first black president”, and Hillary’s attempt to be “first woman president”, and the lofo’s woo and cheer. ( the two don’t like each other anyways), but the message remains the same: free shit for non- doers in an exchange for complacency and to worship the dem platform.
    A REAL woman who’d run for the presidency, would be a lady that loves and honors God and her husband.

    I must add this quote from my lovely lady: “Bitches don’t like bitches anyway.”

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