Pollak: 5 Times Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano Said Trump Committed a Crime — And Was Wrong – IOTW Report

Pollak: 5 Times Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano Said Trump Committed a Crime — And Was Wrong


Judge Andrew Napolitano told Shepard Smith on Fox News on Tuesday that President Donald Trump had committed a crime in his conversation with the president of Ukraine about alleged corruption by Joe Biden’s son.

“It is a crime for the president to solicit aid for his campaign from a foreign government,” Napolitano said.

“That to which the president has admitted is, in and of itself, a crime,” Smith responded. “Yes,” the judge replied.

It sounded rather damning — except that Smith and Napolitano do not seem to have considered that there might be independent justification for re-opening an inquiry that Biden had ordered closed (with the threat of losing U.S. aid).

Moreover, Napolitano has said many times before that Trump has committed crimes — and he has been wrong:

1. December 2018: Napolitano claimed that Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, had implicated him in a “felony.” (The Southern District of New York investigated and declined to initiate any further prosecutions.)

2. January 2019: Napolitano told Shepard Smith that Mueller would be able to show “collusion” and “conspiracy” because “the campaign had a connection to Russian intelligence.” The Mueller report found no collusion.

3. February 2019: Napolitano claimed that a phone call by the president to Acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker was “obstruction of justice.” Mueller’s report, released a month later, did not allege any obstruction. MORE HERE

SNIP: Are Shep and Judge dating?

27 Comments on Pollak: 5 Times Fox News’ Judge Andrew Napolitano Said Trump Committed a Crime — And Was Wrong

  1. Da judge didn’t get the Supreme Court nomination he wanted and did not get pardon for boyfriend of Shep and da judge.
    Never trust anyone whose hairline starts an inch above his eyebrows.

  2. As if there weren’t at least five more reasons to not listen to this daft man, here’s one more: I cannot stand his phony, hysterical laugh. It sounds like a nervous tic. He almost ruined Varney & Co. for me when they were having him on as a frequent contributor.

  3. During the 0bama reign, he was always up there saying nothing can be done because they have nothing on 0bama, etc. Even though he trashed 0bama for being unConstitutional, breaking this law, that law. Made no sense.

    But a 200 year old woman accuses Trump of stealing waffles from her as a kid and Nap is connecting dots to some collusion. lol

  4. Surprise? When a person is right, they’re right. When they’re wrong, they’re wrong. Then, they need to either admit it or shut up and go away. When you’re a public figure of any kind, you don’t have a license to be wrong and get away with it.

    Common sense – something the current President has, thank God.

  5. The only thing coming out of Napolitano’s mouth more than Trump’s name is dick.

    Dick still holds the title for things coming into his mouth.

    Now scram you fucking Wal-Mart Joe Pesci.

  6. Napolitano didn’t get what he wanted from Trump (a Judgeship) so he turned on him like snake and is now badmouthing Trump at every opportunity even if he has to lie or spout a half-truth to do it. Fox ought to drop kick his ass but seeing how Murdochs’ sons are turning the network slowly left I don’t see it happening. The viewers will have to realize for themselves just what a hollow, shoddy little man he truly is.

  7. I used to listen to him, but no more, his bad mouthing Trump at every turn is too much for me. By not finding anything good about Trump is not finding anything good about those who voted for him. He is now no better than the deep state lawyers.

  8. grool..

    Did anyone here Degenovia last night? (From law firm Tiesing and Degenovia] . I think he was on Dobbs or Tucker or Sean anyway Degenovia was asked about this very thing and he said
    Napolitano was an idiot or some such equivalent.

  9. Joe Degeniva on with Tucker Carlson tonight. He previously referred to dajudge as a fool and Shep defended his boyfriend, da judge against a “partisan hack” to which Degeniva pointed his real legal experience against those of da judge and pointed out how da judge is still butt hurting about not getting on the Supreme Court.
    Someone needs to show the exchange on Tucker Carlson tonight 9/25/2019.
    Of course, YouTube may not have it as they have purged Tucker Carlson 9//18/2019 critical of daaperhead Ohmar.


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