Polling Says The young are not into Joe Biden – IOTW Report

Polling Says The young are not into Joe Biden

Well, not as much as he’s into young… OK never mind.

American Thinker:
The election is six months away and we can say a few things: 

1) The RCP average of polls has former Vice President Joe Biden beating President Trump by 5 points: 

2) The latest “betting odds” has President Trump up by 8 points: and most interesting; 

3) The young are not into Joe. 

This is from Justin Hawkins:     According to an extensive survey by the Institute of Politics at the Harvard Kennedy School of Government released in late April, only 34 percent of Americans aged 18 to 29 say they have a favorable view of the former vice president, with just 8 percent saying they have a “very favorable” opinion of Biden.   more

14 Comments on Polling Says The young are not into Joe Biden

  1. Proper Authority @

    3 words and you call up thousands of hours of Creepy Joe and gave me the first laugh of the day.

    Just like Trump! One simple image and multiple arguments made and won.

  2. Dementia Joe Obiden Bama, the Teleprompter Answer Man, has only one strong appeal to young voters: he isn’t President Donald J. Trump. That’s it. Nothing more than that fact. Just wait until the cognitive mental decline becomes undeniable. Millions of them will still support Dementia Joe, because he’s not President Trump.

  3. My recently credentialed-by-MTSU moron of a daughter is heartbroken over Bernies’ loss, but still planning to vote for Biden. My only child is now my deepest regret in this life.

  4. Thanks to the Public schools Indoctrination centers and Lame Stream media, most of these younger morons would vote for Mickey Mouse if he was a candidate.
    Never underestimate the power of stupid people in large groups.

  5. Probably didn’t help his cause calling a young female voter a Lying Dog Faced Pony Soldier. He is an old fart, more embarrassing than any relative I’ve ever had and that is saying a lot. Of course he can’t connect to anyone that doesn’t tie themselves to him simply because he is a dem that automatically gets the black vote because of Obama.


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