Polyester Stuffing Is Now Racist – IOTW Report

Polyester Stuffing Is Now Racist

DefConNews: Def-Con News keeps track of all the new things liberals decide is racist. We get that eventually we’ll have to catalog everything because liberals think everything is racist but even this one came as a bit of a shock. Apparently polyester fiber, used in stuffed animals, is racist. Intrigued? Read on.

14 Comments on Polyester Stuffing Is Now Racist

  1. Did it happen to you?
    Did it happen to someone you personally (not second hand, or third hand) know?
    If you answer “NO” to at least one of the questions, then STFU and STFD.

  2. Polyester leisure suits hardest hit. And any other kind of clothing made out of polyester fiber. And it’s probably a double whammy since polyester is made out of petroleum products which can cause globull warming. Yeah, sure, bullshit! Is there any product either natural or manmade that these leftist idiots don’t want to ban?

  3. In high school and in my early twenties our home was full of kids of every race who told all kinds of “racist” jokes and pulled all kinds of gags on each other. I was of and ran with the military brats. Guess who at their 40th HS reunion was surrounded by the same diverse group and all of us having a great time and laughing their asses off. I was sick of this shit in the 1970’s and I’m double sick of it today.

  4. A catalog for “Racial Offenses” with the average pay-outs listed for each one would be perfect.
    I can just see lawyers like Kramer’s (Jackie Chiles) or Algonquin J Calhoun using it all the time!

  5. What these cunts really want to say is existing while white is racist. But they haven’t got the balls to start an outright effort at white genocide because that’s yet another thing they believe is the white man’s job. And, apparently, there are plenty of evil, stupid white assholes willing to oblige in carrying out their own eradication.

  6. I couldn’t really tell from that video if the kids were white; they all seemed to have a skin tone that looks almost like the kid getting polyestered. He doesn’t look upset at all, anyway.

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