Polygamists Charged With Laundering Half A Billion Dollars In Renewable Energy Tax Credits – IOTW Report

Polygamists Charged With Laundering Half A Billion Dollars In Renewable Energy Tax Credits

Polygamists did this? When did they have time to commit financial fraud? lol.

DC: A grand jury charged three top energy company executives with laundering more than half a billion dollars in renewable fuel tax credits Friday, according to the Department of Justice (DOJ).

Jacob and Isaiah Kingston serve as CEO and CFO, respectively, of Utah-based Washakie Renewable Energy (WRE), a renewable energy company operated and funded in part by a polygamous sect of Mormonism known as the Kingston Group. The brothers allegedly conspired with Lev Aslan Dermen, owner of California-based NOIL Energy Group, to defraud the IRS of $511 million worth of renewable energy tax credits from 2010 to 2016.  more here

14 Comments on Polygamists Charged With Laundering Half A Billion Dollars In Renewable Energy Tax Credits

  1. Jacob Kingston allegedly bought a $3 million house as part of a money laundering operation to qualify for the renewable tax credits. The Kingston brothers also allegedly teamed up to purchase a 2010 Bugatti Veyron, a high-end sports car, for about $1.7 million. Only 450 Bugatti Veyrons were produced and sold worldwide.

    If convicted … [t]he group will also be stripped of all the money used in the scheme, the mansion and the Bugatti.

    And now we know why El Jeffy’s cartel could be bothered.

  2. if we can’t call these polygamous Mormons Mormons anymore, why can’t we call them morons for thinking they could defraud the govt. this way and get away with it. I know it’s really obozo’s environmental policies that allowed for way too much crony capitalism to occur. And I thought that Mormons were supposed to be squeaky clean in their business dealings, guess not. They’re just as big a bunch of crooks as anyone else who sees a way to fleece the govt. It’s too damned bad about the house and the Bugatti, take away all their assets and throw their asses in prison for a long time preferably till they die of old age in the joint.

  3. Why is it that a particular group of people who believe that they need to be pure and good, in order to become Gods one day an have their own planet on which they will populate and rule, routinely commit welfare fraud to fiance such belief systems? Islam is quite similar in this regards when you start looking at all the EBT fraud in the news.

  4. I live in Utah. I am not Mormon. Along with the bunch at Colorado City these and other break-off cults are not affiliated with the LDS church. I have many Mormon friends and as a group they are the finest people I have known, charitable, family-oriented, and most voted for Donald Trump. They are people and not without their faults so before you go stereotyping and dumping on Mormons go look in a mirror.

  5. Thank you anonymous. I live in Utah and I am a Mormon. As stated, these groups broke off from the Mormon Church over 100 years ago. While I’m at it, every time some article mentions Utah or Mitt or polygamy, some clever poster always brings up our ‘magic underwear’. That was hilarious the first 864 times it was mentioned, but is getting stale. Maybe you comedians could come up with some new material! I suggest something about salamanders perhaps!

  6. @Anonymous August 26, 2018 at 12:53 pm

    > These quack, cultist, polygamous groups have no affiliation with nor are they any part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints!

    So, short form, they’re the “Good Mormons”

  7. Anonymous’s and Mr. Brown
    Well said!
    Lazlo is a Mormon, although not a very good one.
    We are all flawed, and all hypocrites from time to time, especially Lazlo.
    Those who laundered money are crooks. Don’t care what religion they are.
    They should go to jail.

  8. wait, what?
    salamanders have magical undies too?
    salamanders launder monies too?
    well, you salamanders are going to jail now.
    bad, bad salamanders!
    get outta town. o-0

  9. @Not that Anonymous!

    They can be anything they want including Catholics, Baptists, Scientologists, Holy Rollers, or even your Church ‘the church of the brain-dead pukes’, etc, as the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is not legally or even unofficially the Mormon Church!

  10. Mormons don’t want anything to do with those weird ass polygamy groups. (I have Mormons in my neighborhood)

    Polygamists are assholes, the women are weak-minded and the children are abused. Just like the muslims with the multiple wives.


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