Polymer80 and Protecting You – IOTW Report

Polymer80 and Protecting You


December 21, 2020- Polymer80 is a company that manufactures unfinished 80 percent receivers and frames. These unfinished products are typically not considered a firearm because they are non-operable without someone taking steps (like drilling into the hunk of plastic) in order to transform them into a functioning firearm.

Well, just this past week the ATF raided Polymer80 and began confronting Polymer80 customers all in an attempt to confiscate certain unfinished frame kits sold by the manufacturer.

It seems that leaked phone conversations between ATF leadership indicate they have been working with the incoming anti-gun Biden administration to make “80% lower receivers” a target for the next administration. Now, whether this plays into the Polymer80 raid or not, we don’t know, but consumers need to be aware that government officials are working overtime to engage customers around this issue. more

h/t Not at all confused.

18 Comments on Polymer80 and Protecting You

  1. Soon, bauxite ore (common starting point for aluminum) will be declared By the ATF a firearm, and a bauxite mine an illegal firearm manufacturing facility. But I have a work-around. I suggest you bypass that possible problem by buying canned beer instead. Drink your beer (with friends… me), save the cans, fire up your home metal melting furnace, make a mold, and you will soon have an 80% non-firearm of your very own… or you can drink the beer, toss the cans, then buy your 80s with cash at your local weekend gun show. As a helpful hint, buy now to avoid the Biden rush.

  2. Here in NorCal, there’s some rather interesting shit going on. Nation Wide, or even state wide, businesses cannot escape the “protocol”, However locally owned business can. Park in back and come on in. It’s fun to watch. And yes the county knows about, and endorses it. Fuck Gavin

  3. Get rid of all those 80% blanks, outlaw it, and you’ll find out just how easily much more dangerous stuff can be made from simple hardware store materials.

    And, FWIW, once making your own as a hobby is outlawed or restricted (totally legal now on the Federal level) they may just find out how much easier it is for people to make fully automatic submachine guns in their own garage with simple tools than is than it is to make legal semi-auto look alike.

    A machine gun is actually the simplest type of firearm for clandestine production, people don’t make them now because semi-auto ones are legal to make and full auto ones carry a stiff penalty with them if you get caught.

    Once something is outlawed there is no reason to conform to any legal requirements or restrictions when you break the laws.

  4. You can make your own firearms.

    They are doing everything they can to make that harder.

    Home Depot has plenty of materials to make some single shot items. Albeit short-lived and dangerous to use, they’re certainly effective against any 1984 type enforcers, if it comes to that in the distant future.

    How did we get an unconstitutional org in the Govt in the first place?


  5. ” Has anyone tried to buy ammunition lately?”

    You’ve had four years to get prepared, you should already have it.

    If you’re not already ready for the upcoming events, it’s too late to do anything about it.

  6. If you’re not a firearm geek, you’re probably confused about what is an 80. Here’s the deal. A while ago now, the ATF was tasked with deciding when a block of aluminum (or polymer) became a firearm. The ATF decided that “it” became a firearm once 81% complete, so if it’s only 80% complete, it’s not a firearm. So? Well, most don’t know that Federal law says it’s perfectly legal for you to make your own firearm, AND when you make your own firearm you are NOT required to place a serial number on it, which means you are then the proud owner of what is known as a ghost gun, Politicians don’t like that. A lot of people don’t like that, a lot of people DO like that. The most popular “80” is the lower receiver of the AR-15 platform. The AR-15 is the civilian, semi-automatic version of the military M-16, and its the most popular rifle in America today. The Dems want 80s to be illegal. That’s the fight. 80s cost about $75. I think I’d own one even if it never was made into anything. So funny. What you’ll have is a block of aluminum that sends pretty much every liberal into a screaming frenzy. I think that alone is worth $75.

  7. Not just AR platform; polymer 80 also sells complete Glock kits too.
    Not that they’re never sold out of them these days!
    Do it yourself handguns really make the ATF shit it’s collective panties.
    Seems to me they pulled some crap on AR 500 80%sin san Diego many moons ago, but I don’t recall if that was the state or feds.

  8. One would hope that all mfgrs, distributors & retailers of 80% gun frames are deleting their customer lists in order to foil the ATF’s unConstitutional power grab.

    Friends who have gun collections tell me that the best way to protect your God-given 2nd Amendment Rights are to anonymously buy your stuff at gunshows using cash.
    *Back your vehicle into your parking spot so that gun-hating LEOs and ATF cannot scan your license plate. You’re SOL if your state has front & back plates.
    *buy your 80% lowers with cash
    *Buy any reloading tools, brass, bullets, powder and primers with cash
    *Buy any ammo with cash


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