Poor Choices – IOTW Report

Poor Choices

Patriot Retort:
I think it’s beginning to dawn on the White House that, in picking Kamala Harris as his running mate, Joe chose poorly.

One year ago – on June 10, 2020 – while discussing his potential VP choice, Biden told CBS News’ Nora O’Donnell, “I want someone strong, and someone who can … who is ready to be president on day one.”

Yeah. Joe chose poorly.

Kamala’s disastrous performance on her “First Foreign Trip as Vice PresidentTM” pretty much proves that, not only is Kamala not strong; she sure as hell wasn’t ready to be president “on day one.” Here we are at Day 143, and Kamala still isn’t ready.

Joe chose poorly.

When he announced Kamala as his pick in August of last year, Biden said that Kamala was “the best person” to “lead this nation starting in January 2021.”

That doesn’t say much for the rest of the potential women he considered (or himself for that matter). Because if Kamala was the best person to lead, then … wow. There’s more

17 Comments on Poor Choices

  1. Doesn’t matter, the fix in in just like the ELECTION.
    Now their pushing the gene altering vaccine down to 8 years old.
    They must plan on having 7yo and younger programed.

  2. Biden didn’t choose shit. She was chosen for him. Why they chose this unlikeable dummy is scary: to make way for pelosi as 3rd on secession aftet they humiliate harris out of office? Or to pick an unelectable blm psycho as the new VP?

  3. Joe wasn’t the one that made that decision (or any decisions since the election for that matter). Why would any candidate for president choose the first competing candidate to drop out of the race for their running mate? Also, why didn’t the democrat voters throw a fit when the candidate they liked THE LEAST get chosen for V.P?

  4. Name one person that would have been a half-decent VP, with the added difficulty that the Dems would have to accept her. There simply aren’t any.
    And if he somehow found someone actually capable his image would take a beating as a result – more than it is.

  5. Different theory…..

    joe was 0bama’s security and insurance policy….who wanted that idiot……bidet to become President…..?

    camel-t03 is bidet’s security and insurance policy….

  6. I doubt very much that Joey is making any decisions, during the campaign to the present time. Joey has no input in deciding whether or not he’ll soil his adult diaper.

  7. Both of them are placeholders. They are not there to do the job themselves.

    The problem with Kamala checking all the right boxes: it is going to make it hard for a really qualified person to be nominated because everyone will be gin shy.

    Just like people will be hesitant to fly United because even if that black woman piolot is the best pilot there ever was, people will be afraid that she is just an affirmative action hire.

  8. The two idiots, Doltin’ Joe and out of her depth Kameltoes are a disaster for America and probably for most of the world, except for China, which will profit greatly from these two clowns and their boot-lickers. Everything in China will benefit except the billion or so common folk. Chinese industry, military, political leverage, trade, even tourism will likely get more robust while these two idiots are at the head of our government.

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