Poor Justin – IOTW Report

Poor Justin

Justin from Canada Painted His Country Into a Lose/Lose Trade Corner – More Details of U.S-Mexico Deal.

CTH: By choosing politics over fundamental trade economics Justin and Chrystia from Canada have painted themselves into an isolated position on the renegotiated North American Trade deal. Here’s the basic Canadian conundrum.

The U.S. and Mexico have agreed to manufacturing origination terms; wage and labor improvements; elimination of AG subsidies and non tariff barriers; and removal of all protectionist tariffs – so long as the structural terms of commerce are upheld.

In order for Canada to join the U.S. Mexico deal they would need to:

  • (1) eliminate soft-wood subsidies in the lumber sector;
  • (2) eliminate protectionist tariffs in the AG (Dairy) sector;
  • (3) accept the 75% rules of origin, eliminating the NAFTA loophole;
  • (4) agree to the enforcement mechanisms for all the above;
  • (5) allow U.S. banks to operate in Canada (financial sector).

Each of these five issues, now locked-in and agreed by the U.S. and Mexico are “take-it-or-leave-it” terms for Canada to join. There’s almost no-way, given the politicization of the Canadian plan, for Justin and Chrystia to agree to those terms and keep their fragmented political support base appeased.  read more

14 Comments on Poor Justin

  1. The best part of this deal is that Trump comes off looking like a labor union champion (this will help in the rust belt). I reality he made it a lot harder for the Big 3 automakers to move to Mexico and made things better for the Mexican workers so they will stay in Mexico. As a bonus he screwed Justin from Canada. Win-Win-Win.

  2. Trudie is just about to figure out that you do not bluff when your dealing with Trump. Not only did Trudie lose his ass in this negotiation he lost his clothes too.
    Any semi intelligent person that looks at the deficits in the US/Canadian trade policies will see how unfair the existing deal is. Trudie just didn’t want to give up the bucks and is now going to pay the price. I don’t see him in office much longer. All Canadians are not stupid, just the liberals.
    Maybe all the muzzies Trudie financed and embraced in his efforts to promote multiculturism can help him out, but I doubt it.
    It couldn’t happen to a more deserving prick.

  3. moochoman, Justin has another three years before he has to call an election unless he loses a vote of no confidence. He has a majority government and there is no way his party is going to turn against him. It would be like the Democrats coming out against Hillary.


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