Poor Justin Trudeau, lost and looking for a place to turn – IOTW Report

Poor Justin Trudeau, lost and looking for a place to turn

Ottawa Sun:

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, troubled that his phone calls to China somehow don’t ring through, plans to corner China’s hardline dictator, Xi Jinping, when the two meet at the G20 conference in Osaka at month’s end.

Our frustrated leader, his agenda already overflowing with scandal, plastic straws, admissions of genocide, angry carbon-taxed premiers, as well as the normal comings-and-goings of a prime minister losing control as a federal election looms, would be better off flying to Vancouver to have afternoon tea at the mansion of Meng Wanzhou.

She’s under house arrest, and therefore easy to find.

If rejected at the door, Trudeau always has his favourite surfing spot in Tofino as backup, if he is wise enough to pack accordingly.

Unless the PM has not yet noticed, however, Xi is somewhat preoccupied with the hundreds of thousands of Hong Kong residents, 300,000 of whom hold Canadian citizenry, who violently demonstrated recently over an extradition law which would see virtually anyone scooped off the streets on a whim and hauled to mainland China, there to be thrust into its politically motivated justice system where keys to jail cells have a habit of getting lost and the off switch for overhead lights always seems to be broken.

No better witnesses to this are two Canadians, Michael Kovrig and Michael Spavor, arbitrarily detained and their exact whereabouts in China unknown, who are at the epicentre of Trudeau’s unanswered phone calls to Beijing, and the reason why he wants a one-on-one with Xi Jinping.

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