Poorest in US Consume More Than Most in Europe – IOTW Report

Poorest in US Consume More Than Most in Europe

Epoch Times:

Americans in the bottom 20 percent of income-earners buy more consumer goods and services than the national averages for people living in most of the wealthiest nations of the world, including those in Europe.

That’s the central conclusion of an analysis published Aug. 26 by Just Facts, a New Jersey-based independent nonprofit research institute that describes itself as “dedicated to publishing rigorously documented facts about public policy issues.”

The analysis, written by Just Facts President James Agresti, found that “after accounting for all income, charity, and non-cash welfare benefits like subsidized housing and food stamps — the poorest 20% of Americans consume more goods and services than the national averages for all people in most affluent countries. more here

15 Comments on Poorest in US Consume More Than Most in Europe

  1. the financial aid given to the poor in the USA, allows them to pursue their dream of higher education so as to become not only self/family supporting, but an educated, employed, contributing member of society.

  2. “Times are changin’ now the poor get fat”, Elton John said the same 40 some odd years ago. And there is no reason for the “poor” to better themselves for this very reason.

  3. And now, the corporate corruptocrats want the product demand of all of our ‘entitlement’ receivers to be permanent. Isn’t THAT clever?

    What we have is the unstable marriage of Socialism and corrupt Capitalism with runaway Federal spending.

  4. Go down to the second chart to find China, in the developing nations – average consumption is about 1/6 that of the lowest 20% of Americans. So who is hurting most from the trade war?
    The charts are from 2010, likely even more disparity now as the US is doing well and nobody else is.


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