Pop Poll – IOTW Report

Pop Poll

Will Justin Trudeau meet with the Truckers? Yay or Nay? And whay or whay not?

39 Comments on Pop Poll

  1. Nope.
    Trudoh reminds me of a milk-toast Ted Wheeler type who just wants to appease and get along. When there is a confrontation he’s nowhere to be found… which is why he is snubbed on the world stage!

  2. Not a chance. He has already publicly declared them as domestic terrorists and it would not be in good form to meet with “those types”

    In addition, do you really think the truckers in that convoy really want to talk with him?

  3. No. From what I’m reading though from Canadians, the truckers know that and they also know he will never lift the mandates openly, but the way they say it works is the different provinces will lift mandates to the point he will have no choice, but will blame everyone else for what he can no longer do. They expect his underling the lady in a skirt to be the one who comes out and says it while she blasts everyone as racist murderers.
    From what I’m reading the truckers have already won, those in Ottawa just haven’t figured it out yet. They can’t arrest the truckers because they will still be in the same boat, they need them. Soon even the elites won’t be able to get food and other necessities and it’s already hurting their economy even more than it was already hurting from their actions.

    I was also reading one of the US truckers that is planning the US protest and he says they have a rougher time because scabs from the South will take their routes and that many current truckers can be bought off with higher mileage rates. Through all of our traveling and filling up on diesel with truckers that doesn’t surprise me, the majority wore their masks like good little soldiers and at least half of them were obviously foreigners with about 1/3 wearing turbans.

  4. The only way he would meet with them is to pick ONE to come to his domain, with all his henchmen behind him, and on camera, berate them for shutting down Canada.

    He will read from a prepared script that he had nothing to do with, and smirk at the camera to ‘show’ his country just how powerful he is.

    After that? The media will crow about how evil the truckers are and the whole nation will turn on them and join the truckers. – To Be Continued …

  5. Of course he will.
    He hasn’t missed a photo-op yet.
    BTW, After meeting some in the sanican, what you thought was mousse hair gel was actually WildRoot Hair Cream.

  6. Jussie Turdeau will find a face saving way not to meet with the truckers. There is no official head of this protest so he has the ability to avoid meeting anyone over the situation. Saving face is what he has to do now. He’s lost all credibility when he demonized them and no one supported his fascistic chanting of the progressive litany. The provincial governments let him down? That would be a way. He could do the typical leftist ‘blame someone else, anyone’ routine. He hasn’t the testicles to resort to force, I don’t think.

  7. Justine Trudeau would probably only meet with the truckers if they each bring roses.
    So yeah, it’s not likely there will be a meeting between Canada’s prima donna Prime Minister and freedom loving, patriotic Canadian truckers.

  8. Old Racist White Woman

    You have no idea how Right you are about the Scab Workers stealing their routes. It IS HAPPENING in CANADA as we type. Many of them get “loans” from their “churches” to finance the UNDERCUTTING. (the “churches” are TAX FREE ENTITIES)


  9. Turdeau might be getting ready to Meat with them.

    There were a bunch of Black SUV’s with security spotted outside of an ANAL BLEACHING Clinic near Ottawa.

    My guess is that he is busy making himself look pretty.

  10. Claudia,

    That is how he will eventually try to meet with them. Right now his people are most likely trying to find “the weakest one” to turn.

    However, these guys are really pissed and as long as the GoFundMe money is not Frozen He will not be able to find that Weakest Person.

    He thinks he can wait them out to soften their resolve.

    If this Protest goes for the long haul I would bet that the truckers would protest in Rotation. Head back home, return etc. The Toronto Protest started Today & I’m seeing a lot of Farm Equipment & Tractors. Not Just Truckers, & farmers have lots of room for guests to stay over for a few weeks.


  11. Joe6pak,

    They keep suspending & restoring & re-suspending the Go-Fund-me.

    If they do not deliver the money on suck a high profile account I think it will create VERY BAD PRESS!

    Via Frei was just mentioning this a few hours ago on Rumble.


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