Pop Quiz! – IOTW Report

Pop Quiz!

I Tested Zuby On His Woke-cabulary Knowledge! šŸ˜‚

17 Comments on Pop Quiz!

  1. How about calling a spade a spade, instead of the verbal contortions the left likes to go through. The BIPOC explanation was a chuckle, an inclusive term that totally excludes white people.

  2. Eugenia

    Well in the pre racist days, it use to be BAMF. Bad Ass Muther Focker. Apparently now days you need to specify a skin color.
    I checked the front porch last nite and there was a Amazon package there for the wife. So I hauled it in and said “Candy Gram for Mongo”. She laughed and said, can they even play that movie anymore? The answer is, not really. “Back off, or the unjustly persecuted man of color gets it in the head”. They wreck everything.

  3. Zuby seems to be one of these black guys who says the right things and is on our side but will eventually stab all conservatives in the back and resort to the “White supremacist” bullshit talk…

    I hope I’m wrong but a couple of republican black congress fucks have recently done just that.


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