Pope Francis: Christianity and Islam Protect ‘Common Values’ – IOTW Report

Pope Francis: Christianity and Islam Protect ‘Common Values’

BREITBART: Christianity and Islam have more in common than people think, Pope Francis said Wednesday, and the two religions defend common values that are necessary for the future of civilization.

“Despite the diversity of cultures and traditions, the Christian and Islamic worlds appreciate and protect common values: life, family, religious sense, honor for the elderly, the education of the young, and others as well,” the pope told the crowds gathered in Saint Peter’s Square for his weekly general audience.

The pontiff devoted his weekly address to recapping highlights from his recent three-day trip to the United Arab Emirates, the first visit ever from a pope to the Arabian Peninsula, the birthplace of Islam.



35 Comments on Pope Francis: Christianity and Islam Protect ‘Common Values’

  1. Sharing same values: “the education of the young”

    Is el Popa equating his clergy’s pederasty with “Mohammed don’t watch when you molest little boys on Tuesday”??

  2. “ROMAN CATHOLICISM and Islam have more in common than people think, Pope Francis said Wednesday”

    Their religious leaders both like young boys?


  3. His brain does not function as originally designed. He’s a dented can on discount in the back of the grocery store.
    Is he wearing a suicide belt under his moo moo?

    I still have never heard a plausible explanation about why the last pope was bounced in favor of this guy.
    Palace intrigue runs very deep amongst the pederasts in Vatican City and permeates the whole Catholic Church, including Timothy Dolan who still gives communion to a governor that signed infanticide into law.

  4. has he not gone to Islamicity (the global muslim eCommunity) and read about the return of the muslim Jesus?
    it’s been saved in the webcache so they can’t delete it
    Pope is a joke

  5. “Christianity and islam have more in common than people think, pope francis said…”
    Commonality is, as they say, ‘common.’ “Everybody likes ice cream.”
    It is in the fundamental tenets that the differences may be found. Superficially they may seem to be similar, but foundationally, they significantly are not.
    I trust him not, nor the work that he does.
    and neither he, nor his church have made comment about the flourish of late term abortion laws and pending acceptance of infanticide in this country. That is what I want to hear about from him.

  6. The Grand Wizard lulls the stupid to sleep.

    Back in the 1200’s some monk prophecied that the 46th (or whatever el poobah this is) would be the last pope and he would turn into this. Something like that anyway. My memory aint wat it uesd to be.

  7. Maybe it’s time for Catholics of faith to walk out of their parishes and vow to stay out and celebrate Mass with a priest who actually believes in protecting their flock and to adhering to Christian values until this “Pope” is gone. No attendance, no donations, no collection plate, no MONEY. And ensure that you tell the parish priest why you’re leaving.

  8. I’m asking all Catholics to CONVERT TO CHRISTIANITY

    You are not being disloyal to GOD. You can pray at home, you can join another church, you can believe whatever you want, but you DON’T need these very flawed people guiding you into the mouth of the devil.

    When they can prove themselves to be actual Christians, and smoke out the pedophiles, it will be safe to go back if you want.


  9. He has a lot in common with the democratic leadership in that people are stunned that people so irrational manage to find their way into top positions. It hardly makes any sense yet it happens all the time.

  10. “Is there a list of those responsible for electing this Nutjob the Pope”?

    It’s similar to the democrat/RINO process. They meet behind closed doors, hash out who/what needs protection from their past misdeeds, agree to keep it quiet to ensure the dollars continue to flow into the coffers, and poof… white smoke.

  11. This Pope is a Sandinista growing up under Eva and Juan Perrone. He has even less cerebral cortex than the high school dropout Occasional Kotex

    I am a Catholic and I disapprove this leader

  12. @EE, I am vaguely familiar with the process. What I’m asking is do we know who “they” are?

    I hold all who were in the room responsible. The “yea” voters primarily. The “nay” voters too for not choking and beating the “yea” group for either being idiots, evil or both. All on the “They” list should be banned from ever being considered as future Pope material.

  13. The Vatican, after much collusion, I mean, reflection, ditched the Holy Trinity for the Sacred Bureaucratic Triumvirate, so instead of having just 1 Pope, we now get 3!
    Pope Ratzinger as The Father
    Pope Bergoglio as The Son
    And Pope Walther Kasper as The Friendly Ghost.

  14. I went to a Jesuit high school and saw the seed for this being planted 45 years ago (Holy shit am I that old?) It wasn’t the old breed of Jesuit. It was the Boomer Jesuit, backstabbing pukes who were born in the late Forties. And the fact that the Jesuit seminary was located in Berkeley (where else?) played a huge role

    My Freshman English Jesuit had us reading a book by blacklisted Commie Dalton Trumbo. Twenty years later I read in the Alumni newsletter that he died of “undisclosed illness” Hmm, wonder if his gay sensibility is a clue to whatever it was that struck him.

    Two years later, my Junior English teacher, an actual hippie type, had us reading “Siddhartha” a novel written by a German (Herman Hesse) about a man’s spiritual journey AWAY from Christianity to some fucking Hindu Ravi Shankar thing. (Gee Wally, how come he has us studying a book by a German author that takes place in India; what’s that got to do with English?)

  15. Sorry, Jesus is the Son of God and islam is the anti-Christ religion. They have nothing of consequence in common.

    Millions of murdered Christians disagree with the so-called value of satanic islam.


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