Pope Francis Comes Out in Support of Same-Sex Civil Unions, Departing from Catholic Doctrine – IOTW Report

Pope Francis Comes Out in Support of Same-Sex Civil Unions, Departing from Catholic Doctrine


Pope Francis called for civil union laws for same-sex couples in a documentary that premiered Wednesday in Rome, departing from Catholic doctrine.

“Homosexuals have a right to be a part of the family. They’re children of God and have a right to a family,” Pope Francis said in the documentary “Francesco,” according to the Catholic News Agency.

“Nobody should be thrown out, or be made miserable because of it.”

He made the comments during a reflection on pastoral care for people who identify as LGBT.

“What we have to create is a civil union law. That way they are legally covered,” Pope Francis said. “I stood up for that.”

Traditional Catholic teachings say homosexual acts “are contrary to the natural law.”

“Basing itself on Sacred Scripture, which presents homosexual acts as acts of grave depravity, tradition has always declared that ‘homosexual acts are intrinsically disordered,’” the Catechism of the Catholic Church reads.

“They close the sexual act to the gift of life. They do not proceed from a genuine affective and sexual complementarity. Under no circumstances can they be approved.” read more

30 Comments on Pope Francis Comes Out in Support of Same-Sex Civil Unions, Departing from Catholic Doctrine

  1. That’s exactly how the whole family-destroying perversion of homosexuals pretending to be married began, “Oh, just allow them to ‘marry’ via a civil union. It won’t affect ‘real marriage’ or any other aspect of society.”

    Now you and I are literally paying for their depravity as we watch our children being swallowed up in soul shattering darkness!

    Clearly this anti-pope is a luciferian imposter, hell-bent on destroying all that is good and decent.

  2. Oh, and although we ARE ALL part of God’s creation, we most certainly ARE NOT ALL God’s children! Only those who first sincerely repent, and then genuinely accept the invitation are considered to be God’s children.

    That the so-called Pope would parrot this blatant and obvious LIE, in complete contradiction to the Scriptures, demonstrates his willing duplicity with the Father of All Lies!!!

  3. True story.
    I lost my wife of thirty years. Sad.
    Meet woman who is great.
    Want to get married in my long time Catholic church.
    But she had been married in the church 20 years ago, and divorced 18 years ago (the guy was abusive), we cannot get married in the church without some year long + annulment process – then it’s a maybe.
    They are rejecting two decent people that want to be part of their church.
    Then this announcement from Red Pope Frencis – a slap in the face.

  4. Departing from Catholic Doctrine is all this “Pope” does. He is another of Satans minions.

    Patriots you have to understand we are reaching critical mass regarding Satanic influence on this earth.

    I believe we are in a final period of opportunity to repent at this stage and if PDJT is re-elected we will have a few decades of reset from Satans plans but make no mistake Revelations tells us explicitly Satan will eventually win the earth and Christians will be murdered and imprisoned by the millions.

    If Pedo wins we are already there as outright persecution of Christians will ramp up exponentially as our liberties are removed by a packed Supreme Court.

    We are really at the abyss now, vote like your life depends on it, but arm yourselves for another revolution because it’s coming.

  5. Marriage is a church sacrament, ’til death do you part. Civil unions are a legal construct, for tax, inheritance, and medical decision purposes, until you dissolve the union in court.

    I support civil unions for everyone: gay couples, best friends, siblings, whatever. I don’t want to know about anyone’s sex life, or lack of it. Everyone should have a civil right to have a soulmate, roommate, or trusted soul to get through life with and leave their estate to. But a household or tax filing status is not a marriage, nor should these civil constructs and their benefits be based on sexual orientation or activity. IMHO.

    The Pope should uphold moral standards in the church and leave the debate on civil structures and taxation to Caesar.

  6. The Church turning to unsound doctrine in place of God’s word for its direction is a significant part of the prophecies, and one that suggests where on the timeline toward fulfilling them we are.

  7. The problem with these perverse pseudomarriage shams, Annie, is that inevitably children come into them. Children who are bought, adopted, trafficked… Who thinks about their need to have their biological parents?

  8. The great deception in this argument is the “normalization “of homosexuality. Homosexuality is a mental disorder. Like the current plague of anxiety disorder, it is the belief that unreality is true, since truth is that which can be proven.

    We need to re-open the mental institutions

  9. @Jewel: True, but child trafficking and abusive parenting are crimes, no matter who commits them. There are a lot of biological parents who are good at making babies and absolutely awful at raising them.

    Perhaps, along with the suggestion from ‘On Whose Shoulders’ to re-open the mental institutions, the churches could turn their efforts once again to running orphanages and faith based adoption agencies –and civil society could let them instead of filing discrimination suits that make vulnerable children available to people of questionable character and motivation.

  10. His proper title is Antipope Bergoglio. His is not, not ever has been the Successor to Saint Peter. Pope Benedict’s attempted resignation was invalid. This has been covered extensively by Ann Barnhardt and others. Antipope Bergoglio is instead a Freemasonic Marxist bent on the destruction of the Church.

  11. Pope Frank was the nail in the coffin for me when I decided to leave the RC Church. Gay marriage, anti-Capitalism, pro-Environmental Industry, pro-Moslem Illegal Immigration, priest paedophiles and so on.

    I thought that Pope John Paul II had got rid of all the Liberation Theology backstabbers? Looks like he missed Bergoglio.

    Anyway, I’m much happier in the Southern Baptist Convention and I’m actually LEARNING the Bible and Scripture.

  12. Jesus: “It is finished.”
    Papists: “Not so fast, Jesus…”

    Let us not forget that Jesus, as a part of the Holy Trinity, rained fire on Sodom and Gomorrah and two other cities. Now Pope Frankie, the “Vicar of Christ” comes out and says that homosexuals deserve acceptance!

    Someone is very wrong here and it isn’t the Lord Jesus.

    To HELL with the entire Roman Catholic sacerdotal system.

  13. The filthy Jesuit reprobate isn’t Catholic and never has been anything but an infiltrator hell bent on destroying The Church. He is an anti-Pope. He is a narcissistic ass and I have been out front on this since he was elevated.


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