Pope Francis compares “Populists” to Hitler, calls for open doors to all migrants – IOTW Report

Pope Francis compares “Populists” to Hitler, calls for open doors to all migrants

Jihad Watch: So-called “populist” groups have arisen in response to the hijrah and the subsequent descent of Europe into chaos. In comments that would suggest the Pope has taken leave of his sanity:

Pope Francis adopted his toughest stance ever against populism…comparing populists to Adolf Hitler and suggesting that populism caused the Second World War.

It is abhorrent that Pope Francis would compare those who are trying to save Judeo-Christian civilization in the face of the hijrah to Hitler. Another point to ponder is the rise of Islamic anti-Semitism in Europe. It is now so bad in France that Ricard Abitbol, President of the Confederation of Jews in France and Friends of Israel, stated:

Every day we have people who are hurt, every day we have people who are insulted,” told RT. “We can be hurt by words, but we don’t mind, but when we are hurt by a knife, a gun, you can’t say I don’t mind. more here

18 Comments on Pope Francis compares “Populists” to Hitler, calls for open doors to all migrants

  1. I saw the Vatican a few years ago: high walls, gates, armed guards – I believe I had to pay to get in.
    Gee, “Papa” Francis the Talking Mule, hypocrisy much?

    Fuck Off, Eat Shit, and Die.
    (I mean that in the nicest kinda way)

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. God’s word says the Antichrist – and there will be a singularly THE Antichrist – will be (for a time) a world renowned, unprecedented peacemaker, who because of that and the false miracles he’ll be empowered by Satan to perform, will be hailed as Messiah and eventually proclaim himself God. The entire world will follow him because none will be able to buy nor sell without his mark in the hand or forehead. That won’t be forced…it’ll be accepted willingly.

    Globalists such as your popes (I can’t think of one of recent decades who wasn’t) are all types (precursors, foreshadows) of the Antichrist. They all seek “peace” in the name of “God” but every single one of them is a deluded liar. All of them are paving the way for Antichrist’s global reign. Why? Because every single one of them is godless and secretly (or not so secretly) despises the Lord Christ.

    So was it written down in the Book, so shall it be done.


    At the same time, just because someone is not a globalist does not automatically put them on the side of Christ.

  3. There is a cautionary tale in the Gospels, regarding the need to remove the plank from one’s own eye before pointing out the speck in your brother’s eye.
    I’ll be interested in the Pope’s opinion on international affairs after he addresses the scandals in the church. Open the files on the bad priests, how they were moved from parish to parish, and even to other dioceses and countries, enabled by the church’s systemic cover ups and paid for with our donations. When we can see how well that worked, we’ll consider his suggestion for welcoming every border crosser into our midst.

  4. Whatever it takes to distract governments and people away from the perverted pedophiles, sexual predators and marxists throughout the catholic church.
    Watch their left hand while their right hand diddles its parishioners, espouses socialism and encourages lawless immigration in Christs’ name.

  5. never have understood the catholic religion
    unmarried men and women ruling a religion?

    it seems to be a haven for homosexuals and lesbians

    all of our religions are man made

    loving JESUS/GOD does not have a label
    and it is free of charge

  6. “Pope Francis compares “Populists” to Hitler, calls for open doors to all migrants”

    Heh Dopey Popey, tear down the Vatican walls and invite the migrants in. Practice what you preach you pedophile. You will then have an endless human chain to do your satanic rituals on. You first Popey.

  7. i can see why the greek orthodox church looks at the catholic church as imposters when they split off and formed the roman catholic church in 1064 or so. And their priests can marry.

  8. Little Morphin’ Annie,

    I took a tour of St. Peter’s back around 1990. I could not believe how incredibly HUGE one structure could be. I’m still in awe of it.

    Given cots or mats to sleep on, I wonder how many homeless illegals might be housed in da pope’s house. Thousands, certainly.

    But we’ll never know. It won’t happen because popes are hypocrites and St. Peter’s is a whitewashed tomb.

  9. When I see the Vatican open up their treasure chests and their gates to feed and house the poor muslimes with the vatican’s money, I might take the poop seriously.
    Until then he’s just another liberal hypocrite.


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