Pope Francis Has Mobilized The Papacy’s Absolute Monarchy Against Justice – IOTW Report

Pope Francis Has Mobilized The Papacy’s Absolute Monarchy Against Justice

The Federalist: Pope Francis administered a stunning and humiliating shock to the bishops of the Catholic Church in the United States last week. The American bishops had gathered in Baltimore to discuss a pair of measures to deal with the continuing crisis over clerical sexual abuses in this country.

The measures were fairly modest. One sought to build on the 2002 “Dallas charter” — measures designed to stop priests’ abuse of children, mostly young boys — by extending its rules on reporting and accountability to bishops. The other would have launched an investigation, led by lay Catholics, into reports of abuses by bishops. Conceivably, this would have looked into how former Cardinal Theodore McCarrick of Washington, D.C., could have risen to the top of the U.S. Catholic hierarchy, despite being widely known — in secular circles, to the Vatican, and to many in the church — as being a serial abuser and harasser of young adult male seminarians (and at least one young boy).

The night before the conference, the pope abruptly quashed both measures. The bishops were left reeling, and lay Catholics were stunned and dismayed. For some, it may even be the last straw: If their church will not deal honestly with these issues, they will leave it.

Francis’ pretext was that a Vatican summit in February would address these matters “globally.” It then emerged that Francis, despite the outcry of American Catholics for action, had tried to get the entire meeting cancelled.  more

18 Comments on Pope Francis Has Mobilized The Papacy’s Absolute Monarchy Against Justice

  1. The church has been around for nearly 2,000 years. If cleaning house, and excommunicating all the bishops and priests that were involved with the sexual abuse of their parishioners, sets the church back 30 years, so be it. The church should be in this for the long game.

  2. Let me correct you sirs: The Catholic church has been around for some 1800 years as a hunan interpretation of “church.” Whether it truly is representative of Christ’s concept of church is and will be debated until the Rapture occurs and we each move into the little shack-mansions Jesus has prepared for us.

    The pope is only a man who is given power by the church and the church can take it away.

    Now you Catholics can take potshots at my heresy (and disbelief in your church and perpetual “virgin” mary cult) and discuss amongst yourselves.

    BTW Ginblossom — the church has always been corrupt and filled with “gay” priests.

  3. Francis’ pretext was that a Vatican summit in February would address these matters “globally.” It then emerged that Francis, despite the outcry of American Catholics for action, had tried to get the entire meeting cancelled.

    Mark your calendars boys and girls; the conference won’t take place because .

  4. @Hans, I am with you. Rome is the queen of harlots, offering everything that is antithetical to the teachings of Elohim.

    As soon as the last apostle died (John), things went into high gear in Rome. Early in the 2nd Century, Polycarp (disciple of John) fought against Rome’s desire to change the Passover to “Easter”.

    From Wikipedia (quoted from Irenaeus’s writings):

    Irenaeus, who had heard him preach in his youth, said of him:[20] “a man who was of much greater weight, and a more steadfast witness of truth, than Valentinus, and Marcion, and the rest of the heretics”. Polycarp had learned from apostle John to flee from those who change the divine truth. One day he met in the streets of Rome the heretic Marcion who, resenting that Polycarp did not greet him, said: “Do you know me?” The saint replied: “Yes, I know you, the first-born of Satan.”

    Epiphanius Panarion 29 rails against the Nazoraeans (also referenced as “the Way” in which Paul was a ring leader (Acts 24:5, 14).

    Food for thought.

    Peace be unto you (Shalom Aleichem)

  5. I’m Catholic and I totally despise this pope. @Hans, I don’t care enough to take pot shots at what you say. I do think your anticipation has caused you to act first though.

  6. If the leader my church group was as un-Godly as this man and/or so detached from what the Bible teaches, I would leave. I don’t see the complication in this. You either believe what the Bible teaches or you don’t.

  7. Hans, you speak truth. Thank you.

    I left my last church because the pastor, who had been giving Scripture-based Spirit-filled teachings began to slowly lose his focus. He was not as heretical as the Pope, but stopped letting God lead him and focused instead on creating a mega-church for his ego. Sad.

  8. The February conference, if it happens and if it addresses the scandal, will reduce the US and its scandal to just one of many countries attending, the bishops of which have been robbed of the opportunity to deliberate and decide among themselves before they send one rep to the international gathering. Pathetic.
    The population in the pews will thin, as will the collections. Soon, the bishops, along with having little authority in the church and scant moral authority in their parishes, will have very little money. Maybe that’s a message the Pope will listen to.

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