Pope Francis Meets with Oil Execs – IOTW Report

Pope Francis Meets with Oil Execs

American Thinker: Pope Francis is meeting with executives from top oil companies and investment funds to discuss climate change. The Pope’s perspective will presumably reflect his 2015 encyclical “Laudato si’”, which (among many points) called for a drastic reduction in carbon dioxide emissions. As an economist who has contributed to the book, Pope Francis and the Caring Society, that respectfully but critically engages the thought of Pope Francis, I laud the spiritual motivation of his concerns but question the actual consequences of his recommendations. Simply put, the Pope’s ideas on climate change would end up hurting the world’s poorest members, the very people his supporters think they are helping.

As Philip Booth points out in his own chapter in the book, St. Thomas Aquinas understood that private property provides the incentive to individual owners to use the resources under their control in the public interest. To give a concrete example, the African white rhino’s population soared after a change in the legal code that enabled private rights in the animals, fostering a robust market. Yet in his encyclical, Pope Francis seems to overlook this appreciation of the “Invisible Hand” when he sweepingly writes: “The natural environment is a collective good, the patrimony of all humanity and the responsibility of everyone.”  more here

16 Comments on Pope Francis Meets with Oil Execs

  1. I find it ironic that Leftards can take the Man Made Climate Change debate serious while we have two active volcanoes spewing a bazillion cubic tons of poisonous gases into the atmosphere.

  2. I’d be willing to be that the Church’s equities portfolio contains a goodly number of oil companies whose financial health is something they are praying for and for me this is rank hypocrisy that this Pope is famous for……dirty capitalist–donate to us because you are dirty capitalists….(and why wasn’t the last dividend bigger?)!

  3. Them vols farted out more noxious,odiferous,smeely,
    posion gases than all the priouses wind mills and solar
    panels can compensate for in 3 trillion years…

  4. How do you tell this dope of a Pope to go to hell and to eff off in Italian? It’s none of his damn business to tell oil executives what to think and how to act on globull warming. I’d be embarrassed if this phony baloney crud was my spokesperson to God and I’m not Catholic. We have enough of our own false prophets as Protestants.

  5. Does the Pope still believe in Man made Global warming, Hell no he’s Profiting from the scam as well.
    We Want the Library opened to the People, and our Stolen History back you sosn’s of Bitches ! ( The rest of the Bible Too thanks)

  6. As Christ’s Vicar on Earth, I have been asked to sociali…to.. more or less..take, ah.. take over… and, ah.. run your companies.
    Sorry folks. That was Maxine Waters. But I’m not far off track.
    Francie and Hillary would have been like two peas in a pod.
    Thank Christ for Donald Trump


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