Pope Francis Plans Trip to Most Populous Muslim Country – IOTW Report

Pope Francis Plans Trip to Most Populous Muslim Country


ROME — Pope Francis is looking to travel to Indonesia later this year, the nation with the highest Muslim population in the world, Reuters reported Monday.

On January 15, the secretary general of the Supreme Council of Nadhlatul Ulama (NU), Yahya Cholil Staquf, met with Pope Francis in the Vatican along with other religious leaders to discuss ways of dealing with interfaith conflict.

Five days later, Staquf told Indonesian media that the pontiff had told him that he planned to make an apostolic visit to Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and East Timor (Timor Leste) in September, 2020, sparking a wave of unconfirmed rumors.

Finally, in late January AsiaNews reported that the Indonesian government had “officially” invited Pope Francis to visit the Southeast Asian country.

“Yesterday, 28 January 2020, I personally delivered a letter of invitation to Card Piero Parolin at the Vatican Secretariat of State,” said the Indonesian Ambassador to the Holy See Antonius Agus Sriyono.

In the invitation letter, the Indonesian government expressed its wish to host the pontiff during his apostolic journey next September. read more

19 Comments on Pope Francis Plans Trip to Most Populous Muslim Country

  1. The Society for the Prevention for Raping Sheep, Goats and Children held a press conference expressing their thanks.
    The Pope in turn held a press conference expressing his,
    saying “Your welcome,,,I’ll be here all week, enjoy the the time off, I will!”

  2. The Church is the bride of Christ. The Lord chooses the pope for HIS purposes. My opinion is twitter bait. I cannot pretend to know the mind of the Lord. I simply pray for the pope to do God’s will.

  3. The Body of Christ, according to the one man who was chosen to herald its unveiling, is not an institution. It is made up of every believer who is saved by grace through faith via the gospel of the grace of God. If that gospel is rejected in favor of another, a person believing another gospel may well be a member of the church but is not a member of Christ.

  4. Since IED’s can breach even armored targets, the Popemobile’s gonna need a few upgrades…I wonder how they’re going to get around his eminence’ need to be seen by his adoring thralls?

  5. Maybe they’ll keep him … y’know … make him Pope of izlam …

    sex with little boys
    sex with goats
    sex with sheep
    women kept covered with Hefty bags

    so many attractions for the perverted …

    izlamo delenda est …

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