Pope Francis Praises Sweden’s Moratorium on Immigration – IOTW Report

Pope Francis Praises Sweden’s Moratorium on Immigration

Yes, but what will the Pope of two faces say tomorrow?


Breitbart: Countries that are unable to assimilate migrants should stop accepting more until they are able to integrate them, Pope Francis told reporters on the papal plane Monday.

The pope put forward Sweden as an example of a country that had accepted many migrants in the past but realized recently that the migrants coming in were becoming ghettoized rather than integrating in Swedish society, and so put a moratorium on accepting more. more here


9 Comments on Pope Francis Praises Sweden’s Moratorium on Immigration

  1. “Countries that are unable to assimilate migrants…”

    Countries by definition are unable to do this. Assimilation is the responsibility and duty of new comers to a different society. It cannot be imposed by diktat, if it needs to be encouraged it will fail.

    Diversity is the false flag, the big lie, the foisting of an agenda on an unwilling and increasingly unwitting populace.

    Until the shooting starts. Which when it happens NO ONE saw this coming.

    My ass.

  2. Plantsman, as a practicing Catholic, I can tell you that we don’t take “advice” from the pope.

    The only time the pope has any sway is when he speaks Excathedra on issues of faith and morals…in other words, on doctrine which he doesn’t make up. Not when he’s just talking out of his beenie. As the press reports on him, it seems like he babbles much out of his beenie.


    The church with serpent symbolism everywhere and Freemason landmarks at the Vatican are going to issue moral statements, and if you disagree, well then you are a disloyal follower who hates God and will be cast into the fire. (because God loves you)


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