Pope Francis Shuts Down the Latin Mass, Claiming That Returning to Tradition ‘Injures the Church’ – IOTW Report

Pope Francis Shuts Down the Latin Mass, Claiming That Returning to Tradition ‘Injures the Church’

BLP: Pope Francis announced that he will be restricting the traditional Latin mass in his latest attack against on the Catholic faith.

Francis made the pronouncement in his latest motu proprio that it will be the “exclusive competence” of a diocesan bishop “to authorize the use of the 1962 Roman Missal in his diocese, according to the guidelines of the Apostolic See.” This will allow Francis’ goons to shut down the traditional Latin mass, which is gaining momentum at a time when the Catholic Church is dying amidst child rape scandals. more here

31 Comments on Pope Francis Shuts Down the Latin Mass, Claiming That Returning to Tradition ‘Injures the Church’

  1. I’m not Catholic, but this Commie Pope’s decree says to me that Latin must really give Demons fits. Pax vobiscum.

    And as we used to say back in the Jet Age, illegitimi non carborundum.

  2. The Catholic Church has been riddled with scandal for centuries, they have bastardized the Christian faith.

    When you worship a person (aka the Pope) more than our Lord we have a problem or just like the Mormons you have a cult.

  3. I have exclusively attended the Tridentine Latin Mass for almost six years. There is no comparison to this ancient, reverent, beautiful rite. It is to the finest French wine, from the same vineyard for more than 1500 years and Boone’s Farm. With the cheap screw top wine being the “Novus Ordo.” Lex orandi, lex credendi. As we pray, so we believe. Trad Catholics believe ALL the Church has proposed for our belief for its entire two millennia history – including belief in the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist. Note to Protestants – it’s in the Bible, look it up in John 6. On the other hand, the majority of Novus Ordo Catholics (but not all) pick and choose what to believe. See Biden and Pelosi.

    Antipope Bergoglio, aka “Pope” Francis’s act is the equivalent of dropping an H bomb on the Faithful. It takes effect immediately. Many of those who attended daily TLM today, won’t be able to tomorrow. This is an act of war – waged on behalf of Satan by his loyal minions, the Modernist prelates.

  4. With all the problems that the Catholic church has, I would have thot that getting more people in the pews would be one of the highest priorities, not chasing even more away! Add this Commie jackass to that long list of problems!!

  5. NIdahoCatholic, you have a beautiful church on Poleline Avenue over in Post Falls, Idaho. I have a small family run farm as a customer who supplies us with fresh flowers in season just down Poleline from you about a half mile or so to the East from your church. I’ve driven by there and picked up some flowers a few times this Summer. I love that your church is named after Joan of Arc. It’s also too bad that the Rathdrum Prairie is becoming so urbanized, my dad grew up and was raised on a small farm in Dalton Gardens at the edge of Canfield Mtn. to the East a few miles away and all that former farmland is now suburbs of Couer d’ Alene. It’s a shame because that was excellent country for small family run farms up until the late 60’s and early 70’s. There still are a few farms left but not many like it used to be.

  6. I am complete in Christ (Col 2:13) and eternally safe in Him (Rom 8:1) without any works of my own (Eph 2:8-9, Titus 3;5-7).

    You can be too.

    No pope or ecclesiarchy can do anything about their own sins, much less yours.

    You need only to trust the perfect and finished work of Christ, done FOR you, to satisfy God…because that’s all that His word says He requires of any sinner.

    To depend on your own works, rites, and rituals tells God you don’t believe His word, that the Cross is inadequate to save you, and that you prefer to put your faith in what MEN say God says, instead of in His actual word.

    Guess where that will end you up.

  7. @Miss Kitty: “When you worship a person (aka the Pope) more than our Lord we have a problem or just like the Mormons you have a cult.”

    Might want to include a couple of other churches that have leaders like the Pope. The Mormon Church founder Joseph Smith and the Seventh-day Adventist founder Ellen G. White. If you know the truth, the truth will set you free. If you’re a believer, then you know who and what not to follow. “Come out of her my people!” BTW, the Seventh-day Adventist believe that the Pope is the antiChrist. They have pretty much based their religion around the Pope being the beast and worshiping on Sunday is the mark. This is what Seventh-day Adventist teach.

    Churches exist for “profit” and not much more. JMHO

  8. Frank forgets the word, schism, looms large in the Church’s history. If all the Lefty priests can serve cafeteria Catholics, the Conservative ones can celebrate the Latin Mass.

    PS When you worship a person (aka the Pope) more than our Lord we have a problem or just like the Mormons you have a cult.

    Sweetie, your ignorance is showing. We don’t “worship” the Pope. He’s just there. Some we admire, like John Paul, and some, like Frank, we don’t.

    Protestants! who can’t make up their minds what they believe.

    Or Commies, who are the ones worshipping false gods.

    PPS Not sure the Mormons worship Brigham Young, but, again, you should talk.

  9. @formwiz – doesn’t it seem just a little weird that Catholic priests are called “father.” God is the Father. And ever since Jesus, people don’t need intercession from a priest to talk to God or receive forgiveness of their sins.

  10. Sorry, but the Catholic leadership completely missed the point that Jesus made in Matthew 16. Who thinks that God in the flesh would put his church in the hands in a deeply flawed man who Jesus rebuked one moment later (v.23?) The truth revealed to Peter was that Jesus is the Son of God, and that is the rock (foundation) of the church.

    Peter Confesses Jesus as the Christ-
    13When Jesus came into the region of Caesarea Philippi, He asked His disciples, saying, “Who do men say that I, the Son of Man, am?”

    14So they said, “Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.”

    15He said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”

    16Simon Peter answered and said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

    17Jesus answered and said to him, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jonah, for flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but My Father who is in heaven. 18And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it. 19And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”

    20Then He commanded His disciples that they should tell no one that He was Jesus the Christ.

  11. Francis says he is doing this because the Traditional Latin Mass is being divisive. I think he and others thought there would be a few fringe parishes that would quietly offer the extraordinary form for the old folks who missed it, and who would die off soon and take this rite with them. The libs in the church were shocked at the growth and devotion of the parishes that offer this Mass –especially among young families– AND its ability to inspire vocations to the traditional priesthood.

    Francis knows exactly what he is doing and knows it is not healing, inclusive or even tolerant. This will send the SSPX into full schism, jeopardize healthy FFSP parishes, and demoralize traditional Catholics everywhere –especially in the seminaries. Plus, he is putting his bishops in an impossible situation, as he has left them to work out the details of how and where this rite may still be permitted. This was a nasty and devious move designed to consolidate power, with no concern for the collateral damage capriciously inflicted on the gentle souls in the pews.

    Benedict must be weeping.

  12. PS: For those (Catholic or not) who want to understand what this is about, there are lots of posts today, by the usual screechy bloggers, asserting their usual agenda… but here are a few calm, informative pieces:

    Explanation of terms, with a short history here:

    The news:

    What it means, how it will work:

  13. “Pope Francis Shuts Down the Latin Mass, Claiming That Returning to Tradition ‘Injures the Church’”

    As opposed to flamingly gay clergy, and other non-Biblical practices and teachings? 😳 😳 😳

  14. Having Mass in Latin injures the Church.

    Allowing pro-abortionists to receive communion does not?

    History will look at this man as an anti-Pope.

    However, I have never been taught that Catholics worship the pope. Some have been honoured for their good works, but they have not been worshiped.

  15. “Please have the next Pope be an Opus Dei asskicker who flushes the Marxists and the faggots out of The Church for good.”

    That would leave open how many (few) seminaries? The rot is deep, far, and wide.


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