Pope says some refugee centers are ‘concentration camps’ – IOTW Report

Pope says some refugee centers are ‘concentration camps’

Rome (AFP) – Pope Francis on Saturday described some of Europe’s refugee centres as “concentration camps” as he paid tribute to an unknown Christian woman slain for her faith in front of her Muslim husband.

“These refugee camps — so many are concentration camps, crowded with people… because international accords seem more important than human rights,” Francis said in impromptu remarks at a ceremony in memory of modern day Christian martyrs.

Departing from his prepared script and appearing unusually emotional as he spoke, the 80-year-old pontiff said he wanted the woman to be remembered along with all the other martyrs commemorated in Rome’s Basilica of St Bartholomew.

He revealed that he had met the woman’s husband during his visit to a refugee camp on the Greek island of Lesbos last year.

“I do not know what happened to him, if he managed to get out of his concentration camp, and get to somewhere else” Francis said, describing the man as a father-of-three but not revealing his nationality.

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18 Comments on Pope says some refugee centers are ‘concentration camps’

  1. Serious question…if he were to say something like that as some kind of official pronouncement, ex cathedra I think it’s called, would all Catholics be bound to agree with him?

  2. Sure francis sure, you the so called pope are an idiot. There is no comparison to concentration camps and you are full of shit. I’m glad that I’m not Catholic because their leader is a deluded fool and I would walk out in protest (loud and probably profane) if I were to hear this from their pulpit.

  3. Sounds like a muslim Pope….worried about the humanity of those that have not, do not and will not recognize the human rights of others.
    The Christian wife was murdered in front of her muslim husband, sure I’ll feel sorry for him once his perverted religion of pedophiles and murderers respect all lives. Until then the husband is guilty by association.

  4. Popester dude has me worried. Is he not capable of reasoning? These worthless pieces of human garbage CHOSE to put themselves in their predicament because they want to commit crimes without being held responsible, they want tons of free shit from the people they plan to turn into victims, and they want to take over the countries they land in.

  5. Rarely post and usually lurking, but…

    So very sad and can’t help but make the comparison of our electing Obama to office not once but twice. Makes me glad that I came up with the perfect fast for Lent fifty plus years ago. Such a perfect fast I’ve kept it to this very day.

    I gave up organized religion.

  6. @tom@drum April 23, 2017 at 9:38 am & @Txn4Evr April 23, 2017 at 9:40 am touched on what I was thinking:

    The Pope is the absolute monarch of a United Nations recognized, European Union recognized, country, that has on open border with the Schengen Area. If he wants the camps emptied, he can order the issue of travel papers, for as many people as he desires, to his country, on a whim. Many of those held in the camps are there because, after being denied entry to the next country of their planned itinerary, they have no way to raise payment for the return journey to a country that will (or must) allow their entry. While I don’t think the Roman Catholic Church is as wealthy (in cash reserves) as many of the famous supporters of border nullification, they are well set to raise funds from others to cover the humanitarian disaster of the camps. How much would it cost to arrange a safe, perfectly legal, flotilla from all the camps to all the countries that will (or must) allow entry, completely free of cost to those trapped in those camps?

  7. Francis The Dope Pope ought to spend a night in an islamic supremacist “camp.” Remember, no one went to Animal Country Number 38 and rounded up these savages to bring here. They broke in to other countries and started raping and killing – now with the blessing of this Anti-Pope.

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