Pope welcomes to Vatican the head of Muslim group tied to financing of jihad terror – IOTW Report

Pope welcomes to Vatican the head of Muslim group tied to financing of jihad terror

Jihad Watch:

“Dr. Muhammad bin Abdul Karim Al-Issa…expressed the appreciation of the Muslim world for the pope’s ‘fair positions’ regarding ‘the false claims that link extremism and violence to Islam,’ as well as for his insistence that extremism is not distinctive of Islam but is found among followers of all religions.”

In other words, he thanked the Pope for dissembling about the motivating ideology of jihad terror, which his group has been accused of financing, and for defaming other religions in an effort to whitewash Islam.

“Despite the group’s official opposition to violence and terrorism and its pursuit of intercultural dialogue, it has been the subject of several ongoing counterterrorism investigations in the U.S. related to Hamas, al Qaeda and other terrorist groups.”

Has the Pope met with any of the survivors of the Muslim persecution of Christians?

Let me be clear: I don’t object to the Pope’s meeting this man. After all, Jesus was a friend of tax collectors and sinners. But the meeting appears to have been a pointless feelgood session, probably featuring some sly dawah from al-Issa: “the two men reportedly exchanged views on a number of ‘issues of common interest’ including peace and global harmony, and discussed cooperation on issues of peaceful coexistence and the spread of love.”

The spread of love. Yes, that’s what the Muslim World League is all about.

“Leave them; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.” (Matthew 15:14)  MORE

20 Comments on Pope welcomes to Vatican the head of Muslim group tied to financing of jihad terror

  1. They’re going to cut your head off,
    You can suck up to them and
    all you want
    They’re still going to cut your head off
    They’ve said they’re going to do it publically in
    St Peter’s Square
    They’re going to do it, Franny.
    They’re going to cut your head off
    Most of the world will be laughing.

  2. How can a minion of satan be leader of the catholic church and submit to islam without outrage of the masses?
    Not sure how it happens, but, as foretold, we’ve seen it right before our eyes.
    Just buy another worthless relic, everything will be OK.

  3. Does this dotard realize that Jesus didn’t ask him to befriend all the evil people in the world but too evangelize ?

    Did he even mention Jesus or is Jesus unimportant in this guy’s life ?

  4. Billy, give me your children from a very early age and by the time they’re fourteen I’ll own them forever.

    Perhaps lose a few when critical thinking over powers dogma and other bullshit, but very few.

    In MHO the Roman Cat Lickers have always been about Power, Money and Sex with no particular order to the three.

  5. I’ll add this to my “List Of Why I’m Glad I Quit The Catholic Church After 55 Years And Joined The Southern Baptist Convention And Began Titheing 10% of my Gross Income To My SBC Church”.

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