Porch Pirate picked the wrong house – IOTW Report

Porch Pirate picked the wrong house

Owner pops out with loaded rifle.

There are no details available on twitter. It’s just good viewing for gun owners.

30 Comments on Porch Pirate picked the wrong house

  1. Why do black people have guns? Why are black people defending their homes and property?

    Oh maybe because that’s what we the people in America do as part of the truths that are self-evident…

    I would proudly call this guy my neightbor any time…

  2. Just heard on our local news that in last summer’s fires, a woman lost everything. The only possession that survived the fire was a statue of the Blessed Virgin. And somebody stole it. Who the hell steals a religious statue?

  3. Guns make for a more polite society.

    That AR was loaded, you can hear the homeowner cock the weapon as he steps outside. The homeowner acted very responsibly keeping the barrel down the whole time he instructed the young gentle man to properly respect private property. All in all a win-win for all parties.

  4. Snow is racist.

    @Tony R: A few years ago a man who lived about mile from us was on his way home from work. Something happened to him, and he missed a turn and drove into our woodlot, striking a tree at about 40 mph. When first responders got to him he was dead.

    I found out he was a devout Catholic, active in his church and parochial school. Friends and family began placing flowers and mementos where he crashed. As an act of respect, I placed a concrete Mary there as well.

    Well, about a year later, the statue was gone, stolen. I reported it to the police. After filling out a form, the cop asked, “What do you want us to do about it?”

    “I want you to realize that in this rural community, there are some sick motherfuckers, ok?”

  5. …I’ve heard more blatant before…

    …A friend of mine who I worked with for many years and who retiered before this Covid nonsense became a thing told me about when he was taking care of his first house, which was in a historically Black neighborhood, and it was his first step after getting a job and a family out of the Projects, and he was justifiably proud of it, so he took pride in keeping it up. My friend is a large, bald, Black man, powerfully built, and would tell you we’d be buying his sneakers if it wasn’t for a basketball accident he had playing street ball, where he landed badly and broke every finger on his right hand in a way that they were able to repair, but some of them, especially his pinky, healed at an odd angle so his basketball gripping days were over.

    However that might be, he was mowing his lawn one day, which wasn’t huge, and stopped to get some more gasoline from his porch, leaving his mower close by the sidewalk. Bear in mind, this large, strong, bald Black man is in FULL VIEW of the street the WHOLE TIME, he just has his back turned for a moment.

    There were people walking up and down the sidewalk all the time so he didn’t think anything of another one doing so, but he said he turned and saw someone walking by, in a total crime of opportunity, had taken the handle of his lawnmower and proceeded to push it up the street at the same pace he had been walking at, presumedly so my friend wouldn’t be alerted by the sound of the footsteps. He yelled at the guy, HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?, which only pushed the fellow to walk more engergetically away, pushing the lawnmower before him. Recovering from his surprise, my friend then took off towards the man, who had gained ground on him before he turned and because he didn’t run right away, and the man then broke into a run HIMSELF, still not releasing the lawnmower. My friend then put on his Baller speed and, given that he has very long legs and a pretty good head of anger getting the adrenline pumping at this point, he rapidly closed on his wayward lawnmower and the uninvited attendant thereof. Looking behind him at the sound and, no doubt the cursing and the threats, I can only imagine the terror he had because my friend IS an impressive looking person even when NOT angry and he most assuredly WAS and DID mean those death threats, so the would-be gardener rapidly recalculated his odds, decided death was not preferable to clipping, and having attained the nearby busy road, pushed the lawnmower into it and broke in the opposite direction.

    My freind was torn for a moment, thirsting for vengance but still having a lawn to mow, so ultimately thrift won over thrashing and he ran into the street instead to rescue his endangered lawn lopper.

    THis allowed his target to get away, but sans the object of his affection, but hopefully with a load in his baggy pants befitting the sight he saw bearing down on him as the embodiment of African American justice as a ghetto trained ass whupping machine.

    This apparently is not a rare occurance, made worse by the permissive environment the Democrats have long fostered in the poor community in general and the Black community, poor or not, in particular. This person evidently felt no compunctions at taking something from another man with skin as dark as his own simply because he COULD, and was not dismayed even on discovery, but only on the very real threat of capture.

    And it was not the POLICE he feared, but the fact that he’d go home with his face beat in and his arms broken that ultimiately stopped him. There was no morality, no racial brotherhood, no respect for the property of another he’d KNOW had to work hard for it in play, just “Hey, I can maybe steal that, why not?”, and off to the races they went.

    One who does this will do it again. It that regard, its a shame my friend didn’t sacrifice his lawn mower and beat the price of it out of the ass of the theif, but this would not have made it any easier for him to keep the JOB he had worked at to EARN these things as he already had some encounters with law enforcement in his past (Projects), and would likely have been jailed just long enough to lose his job had he given that fellow the thrashing he deserved.

    This was many years ago, so the respect for propery has been gone for a long time. In our modern times, it is likely he would have gotten in trouble for simply giving chase, as many Democrat governments have taken a similar view of property, as long as it’s not THEIRS.

    …so this doesn’t surprise me at ALL, other than the fact that the police have not come to take the rifle from the VICTIM of the crime. It’s just a matter of time before the Democrats disarm him, however, like they have done BEFORE, and for the same reason they want to do it NOW…

    “Before the Civil War ended, State “Slave Codes” prohibited slaves from owning guns. After President Lincoln
    issued the Emancipation Proclamation in 1863, and after the Thirteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution
    abolishing slavery was adopted and the Civil War ended in 1865, States persisted in prohibiting blacks, now
    freemen, from owning guns under laws renamed “Black Codes.” They did so on the basis that blacks were not
    citizens, and thus did not have the same rights, including the right to keep and bear arms protected in the Second
    Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, as whites. This view was specifically articulated by the U.S. Supreme Court in
    its infamous 1857 decision in Dred Scott v. Sandford to uphold slavery.”


    …my friend was a Democrat as most Black people are by reflex, but he was an open Trump supporter before he retired, mostly because of how GOOD his retirement fund was doing before he quit to access it.

    …seems that Black people aren’t adverse to owning property or making money either.

    …which seems to be things that Democrats stand foursquare against…

  6. The fact that we are ALL wondering if the rifle was loaded (in other words, not a single round had to be discharged from the big scary-looking rifle in order for it to accomplish the task of protecting his property) is proof that big, scary-looking rifles save lives.

  7. TN Tuxedo
    FEBRUARY 16, 2021 AT 12:47 PM

    …yep, scary looking is an advantage…

    “Make it totally clear that this gun has a right end and a wrong end. Make it totally clear to anyone standing at the wrong end that things are going badly for them. If that means sticking all sort of spikes and prongs and blackened bits all over it then so be it. This is not a gun for hanging over the fireplace or sticking in the umbrella stand, it is a gun for going out and making people miserable with.”
    -Douglas Adams, “The Restaurant at the End of the Universe”

    …the credible threat of force is inversely propotional to the likelihood you will actually have to USE it…

  8. @ Tony R FEBRUARY 16, 2021 AT 12:09 PM

    Same asshole who two weeks before Christmas cut down the 7′ blue spruce my neighbor’s children had cultivated in their front yard for five years after getting it as a seedling from the Department of Forestry booth at State Fair.

  9. Dr Tar,
    “Guns make for a more polite society.”
    If you haven’t already, read RAHeinlein “Beyond This Horizon”.
    Based on the background of an armed society where everyone is polite to each other, or else……..


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