Pornhub Under Fire for Allegedly Hosting Rape, Illegal Porn Videos – IOTW Report

Pornhub Under Fire for Allegedly Hosting Rape, Illegal Porn Videos

Breitbart: What consenting adults do in front of a camera for Pornhub — and what they watch at home — is none of my business. But what if it’s not “consenting,” and — my God — what if it’s not “adults”?

While America’s useless media meltdown over President Trump releasing a silly and harmless video of Nancy Pelosi ripping up his State of the Union speech, did you know that with a click, anyone of any age has access to the most hardcore porn available?

The front page (and a countless number of other pages) at Pornhub (which I won’t link) displays the most hardcore porn imaginable with a simple click. These are previews, not full videos, but the previews leave nothing to the imagination. No meaningful age verification is required.

How is that possible?

16 Comments on Pornhub Under Fire for Allegedly Hosting Rape, Illegal Porn Videos

  1. The vilest, most reprehensible, grotesque fuck is being delivered to the entire US population via Washington DC at this very moment.

    And you’re worried about internet porn?

    You have no sense of proportion.

  2. “How is that possible?”

    Because as everyone in the internet infrastructure business is all too aware, it’s pornography that pays most of the bills. They’ll energetically obstruct anyone who tries to interfere with the cash flow.

  3. UMMMMM, I have to verify that I’m over 21 to purchase cigars on line……….
    “The first stage in the corruption of morals is the banishment of truth …”
    Michel de Montaigne

  4. …and there’s that problem with sin again, it’s hard to calibrate the RIGHT anmount of sin, because there IS no right amount. Sex is literally the devil’s oldest tool, and if he can get you to lust for a woman today, it’s hard telling where he’ll get that opening to lead tomorrow. He may just shame you, or he may use it to disrupt, even destroy, your marriage and your family, disgrace you before God and your church, or even lead you to crave more and worse things, which is how rape videos get made and Democrats end up raping children together.

    …It’s a slippery slope. Each new degradation inures the viewer that much more to what once he considered beyond the pale, links lead to more and worse things, and since you already ignored God’s word to get THIS far, the Spirit isn’t there to tell you when you’ve gone “far enough” as you ALREADY went too far to get HERE…

    …the amount of sin God finds acceptable, is NONE.

    Not MY rule, HIS.

    “14 And when he had called all the people unto him, he said unto them, Hearken unto me every one of you, and understand:

    15 There is nothing from without a man, that entering into him can defile him: but the things which come out of him, those are they that defile the man.

    16 If any man have ears to hear, let him hear.

    17 And when he was entered into the house from the people, his disciples asked him concerning the parable.

    18 And he saith unto them, Are ye so without understanding also? Do ye not perceive, that whatsoever thing from without entereth into the man, it cannot defile him;

    19 Because it entereth not into his heart, but into the belly, and goeth out into the draught, purging all meats?

    20 And he said, That which cometh out of the man, that defileth the man.

    21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,

    22 Thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness:

    23 All these evil things come from within, and defile the man.”
    Mark 7:14-23

    Sin is a precipice. The further you lean out over it, the more likely it is you’ll fall to the bottom.

    …and the sad thing is, you’ll pull your family down WITH you…

    …just remember, that next click may lead to a kiddie porn site. They don’t care. Next thing you know, the FBI is questioning your neighbors, then the wife wants to know why the police took your computer…


    💢 From the covers of “Women’s Magazines” (soft core Playboy), to advertising, movies, t.v., internet, porn, the culture is obsessed with shallow physicality.

    💢 Sex is “not that good” honestly, it just isn’t. Why people are addicted to it worse than crack cocaine, risk disease, ruin lives and marriages for it, is a total mystery to me.

    💢 The last last last time I decided to listen to the crowd is when I saw “Dunkirk” in 2017. It was such a god-awful movie, I stood up and walked out when those soldiers were hiding in the boat on the beach. I’m never being swayed by society again, I’ll wait for the mob to do something, then later see if it’s worth doing.

    Sex and drugs are shallow destructive pursuits, you get no meaning from either of them.

  6. …just about EVERYTHING on the Internet leads to sex, though, and I got an early object lesson on how much I had to control this for my son.

    …I don’t remember the exact year, but in the early ’00s, I wanted to get something to show my boy what I did with Cartesian robots at work, and hit upon the idea of getting one on the Radio Shack “Robot” arms I remembered from MY youth. (They were not true robots because they weren’t programmble or autonomous, they just responded to a control panel, but the articulation was similar so close enough for a 5 or so year old)

    Radio Shack itself had long since stopped making these, but this cool new Internet thing could find ANYTHING for sale, so I sat down at my CRT with my young son and started peusing the nascent Web.

    …only to have the FIRST HIT for “Radio Shack Robot Arm” take me to a graphic description complete with primitive, early Web images of how some guy REALLY enjoyed how it felt when he used the rubber-tipped clamp tooling on HIS Radio Shack Robot Arm to squeeze the head of his penis…

    …I shut THAT shit down in a hurry, hoped my son didn’t have time in his youth to assimilate it, and told him the computer was confused because it was so busy, and I’d look later when I had a chance.

    Happily, he was pretty guileless then, and just accepted it.

    …I never DID get a Radio Shack Robot Arm that way, seems they were fairly cheap, totally mechanical things that stripped their plastic gears pretty easy, so finding a working one THEN was less likely than finding a complete Stretch Armstrong NOW, and for much the same reasons.

    …what I DID get, though, was an object lesson in the Internet.

    …there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING, that the Internet cannot smut, so much so that there is an informal thing called rule 34, ” If it exists, there’s porn for it”, and there literally seems to be no exception. Your kid can see the vilest, basest human acts, not just sexual ones, but murders, beheadings, stonings, torture, child slavery…all that is out there, none of it is shielded unless YOU shield it.

    The computer is a portal to the pinnacle of human thought, and the nadir of human degradation, and like any machine, it doesn’t know or care which. It’s just a tool, it’s up to YOU not to cut your fingers off with it.

    …I work with robots, and this is one reason I liked the broad themes of the Terminator 1 and 2 movies. It captured robot ethics well.

    They have none.

    The first terminator was programmed to kill, so it did. Didn’t enjoy it, but didn’t avoid it either, it was just a robot doing what it was told to do. The second one was an identical machine with different programming, so it prevented killing, because that’s what it was programmed to do, not because it wanted to or cared, it was simply following instructions.

    Machines do not care.

    That’s YOUR job.

    Know that it’s ALL out there, PornHub or no PornHub. It’s on YOU to guard and guide your children, the Internet damn sure isn’t going to help you, so teach your children well…

  7. Author said,

    “Again, in no way do I want to see porn outlawed.”

    Then, John Nolte, you are part of the problem.

    Jerry Falwell was correcton this point…the corrosive effect of allowing it is cumulative and accelerates over time. “Well, you don’t have to look at it!” doesn’t stop the rot from spreading.

  8. Why is anyone so stupid to put videos of them having sex onto the internet. Sex is supposed to be private and not seen by everyone else with a prurient interest in someone else’s sex life. Don’t get me wrong I loved having sex with my wife but it was always just between us and nobody else’s damn business. And that includes my kids, there’s a lot of things I will never tell them and I don’t want them to tell me either.

  9. My mom and dad walked out permanently on some long time friends who took them to a porno flick back in the 70’s. They just got up and left and never talked to or saw them again. I was so proud of hearing that they had done that but I never got around to telling them how proud I was of them for doing that.

  10. “Step by step they were led to things which dispose to vice, the lounge, the bath, the elegant banquet. All this in their ignorance they called civilization, when it was but a part of their servitude.”



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