Pornhub’s Parent Company Admits to Profiting From Sex Trafficking – IOTW Report

Pornhub’s Parent Company Admits to Profiting From Sex Trafficking

The company that operates Pornhub and other adult websites has agreed to pay damages to women who said pornographic videos of them were posted online without their consent.

7 Comments on Pornhub’s Parent Company Admits to Profiting From Sex Trafficking

  1. Pornhub: Responsible for the latest trick move in the bedroom: Buffering…
    where the guy freezes in place for 30 seconds while the chick wonders if he’s stroked out!

  2. “Solomon Friedman, a partner at Ethical Capital Partners, the Canadian private equity firm that acquired Aylo earlier this year…” “Ethical” Capital Partners is an interesting moniker for a company distributing porn…
    Oh! and by the way, how does one get deceived and coerced into performing sex?


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