Former Ukrainian President Pyotr Poroshenko has blamed his successor Vladimir Zelensky for border guards refusing to allow him to leave Ukraine on Friday.
Poroshenko is a member of parliament and leader of the small opposition party European Solidarity. He said he was trying to travel to Poland on official business to champion Kiev’s cause in Warsaw and Washington.
“I have a business trip [order] signed by the chairman of the Verkhovna Rada, but the border guards did not let me through,” Poroshenko said on his Telegram channel. “Everyone can guess who canceled the document signed by the Speaker of the Parliament.”
“What happened today at the border is not a minor mischief. This is anti-Ukrainian sabotage” and “a blow to Ukraine’s defense capability,” Poroshenko insisted.
According to the former president, he had “dozens of meetings” planned in Poland and the US, trying to end the Polish trucker blockade and get Republicans in the American Congress to secure more funding for the Ukrainian military. more
He was probably going to testify against Hunter.
“Suicide” next.
Why are John McCain and Lindsay Grahamnasty in that picture?
Geoff, they are probably on zeleaky’s payroll!
Yovanovitch, American Ambassador to Ukraine, perjured herself in the second Impeachment against Trump and was lionized by the Press for bravery. Later, records showed the lie and even emails setting up her false testimony..nothing will happen to take her to court because she is a part of the successful Coup…dark clouds are nearer than ever and Tyranny has already imprisoned over 1200 Conservatives..the Storm will increase in February, 2024.