Porsche edits statue out of ad, then apologizes for offense – IOTW Report

Porsche edits statue out of ad, then apologizes for offense

PM: High-end car brand Porsche is getting backlash after they released an advertisement that edited out the Cristo Rei—the large statue of Jesus Christ that overlooks Lisbon, Portugal—in celebration of 60 years of the Porsche 911 model.  

The advertisement without the Jesus statue was deleted from Porsche’s YouTube channel and replaced with one with the statue intact. A twitter user pointed out the deletion on Saturday.  

The tweet has been viewed over five million times since then and has gone viral.  

The promotional video features the new Porsche 9/11 model which has been around for 60 years. Minimum payment for a new model starts at $290,000 and boasts a 0 – 60 speed in 3.5 seconds with 518 maximum horsepower.   more

9 Comments on Porsche edits statue out of ad, then apologizes for offense

  1. …it’s been my experience that everyone who has a high-performance German car should be going to hell for failure to use turn signals when cutting everyone else off on the highway, but I don’t think that was covered in the Big 10 so they really should appreciate His grace for THAT…

  2. “Minimum payment for a new model starts at $290,000 and boasts a 0 – 60 speed in 3.5 seconds with 518 maximum horsepower. “

    A new Corvette costs 1/3 of that and does everything just as well. And maintenance is far FAR cheaper.

  3. Likely not the reason WHY they removed it, but, would be the RIGHT thing to do versus the plethora of errors which religion puts forth:

    The whole of the Instructions for The Way of Truth in Life are still incumbent upon ANYONE who desires to Abide in Him through His Son, the Anointed King and High Priest of The Israel of YAHWEH (Gal 6:16).

    Debrim (Deut) 5:6 I am יהוה thy Elohim, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage.
    7 Thou shalt have none other elohim before me.
    8 Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth:

  4. When I see someone in a fancy car I think back to my childhood when we were going through Detroit and the man driving the car pointed out all the decrepit houses with shiny Caddilacs and Lincolns in their driveways.

    Could have driven Chevys or Fords and had money to put in their houses.

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