Portland activists stop homeless camp clean-up – IOTW Report

Portland activists stop homeless camp clean-up

Oregon Catalyst-

By Taxpayers Association of Oregon Foundation,

Last March a dozen activists physically blocked the City from cleaning up dangerous and unsafe homeless encampments.  Others have fought to make trespassing a legal right.

Portland city officials have found attempts to clear homeless camps stymied on several fronts recently—a lawsuit filed by four homeless people and advocates from Stop the Sweep refusing to allow clearing of a camp near Laurelhurst Park.

Not only that, residents of homes near the park blame city officials for failing to acknowledge the trauma and fear they’ve suffered because of break-ins and threats by mentally ill homeless people. more here

13 Comments on Portland activists stop homeless camp clean-up

  1. And when the Typhoid or Cholera hits these camps, and the lice start to take over then what? Ground zero for an outbreak, that is if the drug use dosen’t get them first.

  2. Reminds me of when San Francisco or LA wanted to clean up certain homeless areas, the city in all it’s wisdom hired attorneys to represent the homeless so their “belongings” couldn’t just be taken.

  3. It’s getting worse. Driving around I see new camps being put up outside of Portland all the time. Wrecked cars piled with trash, RVs barely functional falling apart.
    They park and live, then crap everywhere and if they do leave there’s a huge pile of trash.

  4. The median price for a house in Santa Clara Country Ca is over $800.000. The average rent is $1800.00 to $2000.00 a month. To stay out of, what is considered poverty, one has to gross $150.000 a year annually. The average gas price is over $4.00 a gallon. A fish fella sandwich and a small fry is $7.00 at MC Donald’s. A pack of smokes is next to $10.00, but a half pint of Vodka is less than $2.50.

  5. A major part of the problem is the so-called “advocates”. Our local City Council tried to ban “camping” along the creek adjacent to I-5, where homeless have taken over. Multiple murders, and a half dozen fires prompted action. The advocates showed up, staged demonstrations, camp-ins, and the weakling city council folded and “compromised”. Camping is now prohibited only during the fire season, May through September. Now, the question is, will they have the will to enforce it ?

    Who are these “advocates”, who is bankrolling them? I can guess.


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