Portland: Antifa Rips Open Door Of Citizen’s Car, Antifa Catches A Case – IOTW Report

Portland: Antifa Rips Open Door Of Citizen’s Car, Antifa Catches A Case

“Don’t you EVER, EVER come into my vehicle again! Do you understand me?!”

30 Comments on Portland: Antifa Rips Open Door Of Citizen’s Car, Antifa Catches A Case

  1. I’ll reserve judgment until I find out whether or not the guy had more than 10 arrows in a clip. And I want to know if there was a fully automatic bow in the backseat as well.

    Right now, I think the driver is a racist. He was driving a nice, shiny automobile that by rights should be distributed to people who do not have nice, shiny automobiles. He violently interrupted some friendly antifa folks who were only trying to see if the interior of his vehicle was as nice and shiny as the outside, and was therefore engaged in the systemic oppression of people who do not have nice, shiny automobiles.

    Yeah, I know the guy had dark skin. According to CNN, he is nothing but a black caucasian.

  2. Dude failed to execute a stiff kick into soy boys armpit after the takedown. Nice sweep, but should have finished him. They tend to really focus on where they fucked up when they’re sucking wind and wondering how many ribs you just broke.

  3. @Wyatt – black caucasian, white hispanic. They’re all the same in the left’s playbook of racial politics. What other manufactured racial victim group can we come up with?

  4. In Texas, opening someone’s door is a felony and shooting that guy is justifiable.

    It falls under castle doctrine. The same reason you can have a hand gun in your car without a permit.

    Even reaching into your car is a felony that can get them shot.

    One of the first instances of this happened right here in Dallas right after that law was passed. An angry driver walked up to a guy stopped ahead of him at traffic light and started hitting him in the face. The seated driver shot him dead.

    Not even charged with anything. Open and shut case. Everyone’s witness story described the same felony regardless of what they thought was right about it.

    I can only hope all citizens of Texas are prepared to do the same when “protesters” pull this crap here.



    Cue music: Another One Bites The Dust

  5. He stays parked there, waiting for the next intruder.
    “We need more people down here.”
    So yes they need to outnumber you 10 to 1 before they have some level of courage.
    The cops are not getting involved unless you defend yourself. On Mcfliy’s orders.

  6. You’re all wrong. After you sweep the leg you bounce his head off the asphalt. See, he’s naturally gonna’ hold onto you. Use that to your advantage. Lift up, slam down. First one usually wont do it, 2nd or 3rd slam should do it.

    Now the guy is under you, disorientated, and with a bloody back of the head. Excellent opportunity to talk about Jesus.

  7. When I was in college and shooting a hundred or more arrows daily out of a 96lb Pearson Spoiler I could have ripped a punk like that in half…. and almost did. I bet that dude in the car is shooting a bow like that. A lot of young guys shoot those monster bows up here in the northwest.

  8. Good hearted people of all races and backgrounds are getting fed up with this violence in the streets. Real unity and love for America will come out of this.

    I see the rioters now have an official name, the Youth Liberation Front. The more the leadership comes into focus, the more we will be able to identify the serious Marxists behind them.

    Before the election, I think Trump will declare martial law in Portland and some of the other cities and clean out these communist gangs using federal power. I think he is waiting for the right time when the majority has finally had enough.

  9. The guy who dropped his phone? Is the guy who ran back home to mommy after getting dropped. Guarantee it.

    I can’t stop replaying the video. It’s very soothing.

  10. That antifa punk won’t soon forget how he was manhandled and forced to the ground in about 2 seconds.

    What a complete dope – opening the door of a stranger’s car. He should feel like one lucky punk after that thrashing and getting away without serious injury.

  11. Where do I start? He opens the door, then after pissing himself “I wasn’t trying to do anything.” My ass you weren’t…your faggy cohorts didn’t have your back (typical soy boy pussies, all bark, no bite) so you pretend you are suddently the victim. Also like how the punk throws something at the dude and then walks back several feet away.

    After picking up his bruised vagina off the concrete they have to get the last word in, telling the hero to get the eff out of there and by shining a light in his face.

    “We have it on video.” Who gives a fuck? Lucky he didn’t beat the living shit out of you faggots. “He has arrows in his car.” We need a bunch of people down here now.” Typical, you need a couple dozen of you assholes to take on one guy. Kudos to the only man in Portland with a set of balls.

  12. If that guy were white, they would’ve put him into a coma. Just shows the power of AntiFa brainwashing. Maybe AntiFa targeted areas should hire all black security personnel, because they’ll always be able to beat the shit out of AntiFa faggots without much risk to themselves.

  13. Where are you Governor Kate Brown (D)?
    Do you find this amusing? Or will you go after the innocent black man who retaliated, lightly, in your marxist Disneyland?

    Should be interesting to watch. I suspect that this dude might be on Tucker tonight.

    He took it easy on that asshole.

  14. Those punks are are active because of the increase in Right Wing Hate Groups? What groups are those, might I ask?

    That guy in the car was out of line. He should known that some masked punks opening the door of his car only meant that they were just trying to offer him reparations. He didn’t need to react like that.

    I have seen elsewhere people saying that the guy in the car was drunk and looked passed out and they were only trying to help him — you know, kinda like those Atlanta police officers with the guy at Wendy’s. Yeah, drunk guys can dump someone on the ground that quickly. But, then again, one of the people making that claim had a screen name of AndyNgoisapedophile.

  15. @Dadof4
    As a Texas concealed carrier from the very beginning, I remember that incident like it was yesterday. It was a good day for Texans. May Ann Richards burn in hell!

  16. Follow up the leg sweep with a hard palm heel strike to the forehead or temple. It’s less painful for the striker, allowing full weight and force to be put into the strike. Instant KO. Then point at the nearest soy boy, look him dead in the eye and say, “Next.”

  17. My Navy Seal buddies used crossbows during prisoner extractions in Nam.
    Silent But Deadly. Wrap C4 around a shotgun primer taped to the arrow head and it makes a perfect diversionary device on contact.
    That dude was x-military and wound a little tight but maintained discipline. PTSD maybe.


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