Portland City Gov’t Confronts Its Failing Tourism Reputation – IOTW Report

Portland City Gov’t Confronts Its Failing Tourism Reputation

But they’re more worried about so-called social justice than they are cleaning up the city and jailing those who need to be jailed.

12 Comments on Portland City Gov’t Confronts Its Failing Tourism Reputation

  1. We have seen quite a few “Captain Obvious” moments of late. A dipshit politician running for governor tells parents that they don’t get a say in their kid’s education, so parents vote for the other guy. And here, political, moral, economic and safety blight, of their own making turns once beautiful thriving and vibrant city into a hell hole, so now tourists would rather vacation in Beirut, Mogadishu, or Caracus.

    Why would you live in or operate a business in a city that is stinks, is dirty, unsafe, unhygenic and the people in charge are corrupt and don’t even like you?

  2. It’s been years since I’ve spent a day in downtown Seattle shopping, eating or wandering Pikes Place Market. We used to go downtown a lot for fun, on purpose, and have a great time. Sure, you still had to aware of your surroundings and you know where not to go as with any city. Being a tourist in your own town was a treat.

    Never again. Last purposeful trip was for a kidney walk at Safeco Field. Homeless everywhere, the parking garage smelled like vomit and pee. This was before it’s got really bad. Used to take the train to Portland for fun too…


  3. @ Illustr8r NOVEMBER 7, 2021 AT 6:21 PM

    So sorry for your loss. You are on one of the cancerous edges of leftism’s destructive power in America and the world – and feeling every bit of the change. It truly saddens me to hear it.

    Like you said about “any city”, I too will only venture some parts of Dallas.

    The increase in homeless living in my part of town is about the worst I see lately. Prayers for you, your hubby, and all your neighbors.

  4. @Dadof4 Last time I was in Columbus Ohio I saw a few homeless tents but they were few and far between. My BFF advocates for the policies that have turned Seattle to sh*t -while living in a clean thriving city. It’s absolutely maddening.

  5. Illustr8r, I was just talking to a friend about how beautiful Seattle used to be. The first time I visited was in the late 60s and hiked Mt. Rainier, the most beautiful mountain I have ever experienced. I left a piece of my heart there.

    Visited again in mid 70s and was just as wonderful as before. Last visit was early 90s and still, not too bad. Pikes Place Market was still fun – watching them ‘catch’ the fish – and I reunited with that piece of my heart on the mountain.

    It’s too bad I will never see it again.


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