Portland, Oregon Continues to Embrace its Third World Dysentery Experience – IOTW Report

Portland, Oregon Continues to Embrace its Third World Dysentery Experience

Legal Insurrection

Dysentery is an uncomfortable and messy infection characterized by severe diarrhea that often contains blood and sometimes mucus. It was once known as the “bloody flux” and has been documented since ancient times, including by Hippocrates. The disease can be fatal. Perhaps most famously, it claimed the life of King Henry V of England, who died suddenly from dysentery in 1422 while campaigning in France.

The condition typically results from bacterial or parasitic infections, with the most common causes being the bacteria Shigella (leading to shigellosis) and the amoeba Entamoeba histolytica (leading to amoebiasis). more

17 Comments on Portland, Oregon Continues to Embrace its Third World Dysentery Experience

  1. …its easy to giggle at diarrhea as long as its not yours, but it kills more people worldwide than any other single cause.

    And fecal contamination is easily spread. Just because you dont see brown, doesnt mean it cant take you down.

    Im working in a food plant as I type this. Most of the line employees are not from here. Many have unusual or non-existant hygiene from wherever they came from.

    And they touch the closed containers to inspect them.

    The same containers that YOU will be touching later.

    …and its not just us. The food biz is very inbred and very low rent, the same workers work for many different temp services and in many different and unrelated food plants.

    At some point, a Third Worlder who thinks urinal water is suitable for washing his dick AND his hands at the same time WILL handle a food product YOU will handle later.


    …and this is PROCESSED food. When it comes to food that has no kill step, like lettuce and such, its even WORSE.

    …Its not possible to police the bathrooms and youd be called racist if you tried, so it aint happening.

    Wash your food completely INCLUDING canned food BEFORE you open it, cook your food thoroughly, and wash your hands AFTER handling food packages and BEFORE touching food you are cooking and eating.

    Or become a diarrhea stat yourself.

    Your choice…

  2. Remember, democrats want this. And they’ll blame it on Republicans even when it’s never a problem in places Republicans control. And their stupid orc voter base will buy that bullshit.

  3. …and for you who want recently unemployed Federal Democrats to go out and pick your food from the fields recently vacated by deported foreigners, bear in mind that deviant sexual practices can ALSO cause, among other things, diarrhea.

    Everyone has their own intestinal flora. You would be unable to digest food and die if you did not. This bacteria live symbiotically in your gut and theres no issue as long as you keep it to yourself.

    But your intestinal flora is not compatable with other peoples, nor theirs with yours.

    This is normally not a problem, but when you get into common Democrat practices like anus licking, butt fingering, coprophilia (which may include literal “shit eating”), and worse (look up “Cleveland Steamer” if you arent disguted enough yet), all of which can transfer fecal material from one Democrat gut to another, and all of which can lead to explosive Democrat diarrhea.

    Still want Democrats carrying your carrots and canoodling your cucumbers?

    Ok then…

    Bon Appetit!

  4. Prior to fraud-by-mail Portland, and all of Oregon was a red state.
    Portland built warships for WWII.
    The Rose day parade had real American heros/legends like Astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
    If you live in a state that doesn’t have Vote-by-mail and they try to bring it in.
    Fight with every ounce of energy you have to stop it.
    Even foreign countries are shocked America allows vote by mail.
    Democrats are all despicable corrupt trash that deserve to be in prison.
    Not a nice comfy sterile prison, something filled with rats like them and feces.

  5. I contacted dysentery while in Turkey back in the sixties. I was warned not to drink the local water but I did anyway. Lesson learned. Luckily I got immediate medical attention and it cleared up in less than a day. BTW… this was at a NATO base.

  6. With the democrats controlling every level of government, the media, and education, Portland gets worse every day. Most Portland voters do not care. It has become a scum magnet, attracting parasites from all over the west. Tax paying job creators are moving out, being replaced by filthy, unmotivated free-shitters. Those who vote for a living outnumber those who work for a living. There is no hope for Portland.

  7. What a surprise

    Going back, way back to the I Own The World days, some of you might remember me posting that nobody can comprehend how filthy and disgusting progressives can be. You can imagine the most filthy and disgusting acts and they will meet and surpass that and are just getting warmed up. I cited Seattle and Portland as examples of where I have witnessed their depravity. Others took offense. Wherever and whenever progressive/Marxist/Satanists achieve critical mass they turn things to shit in an effort to increase innocent human suffering, misery and death. They are absolutely and without a doubt wicked and evil and have absolutely no capacity for Christian virtue whatsoever.

  8. I wouldn’t wish shigella on my worst enemy. Got it once from eating fast food Mexican. Evidently my burrito maker didn’t lavos los manos. At the risk of being too graphic I was pissing out my ass for 3 days. It’s literally the only time I missed work in the last 40 years. On top of that my vacation was right after that but I was scared to eat anything. What’s a trip to Vegas without a buffet?


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